
Bulgaria Violates European Nature Protection Law

In several cases Bulgaria has failed to appropriately protect its natural heritage and has violated the regulations under the nature protection law of the European Union. These are the accusations which were addressed to the Bulgarian government by the European Commission at the beginning of October.

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Greek island community near Rhodos protects migratory birds from Germany

Tilos is an excellent example to show how undisturbed resting areas along migration routes contribute to an effective bird protection.For their long-time commitment in bird protection the Greek community Tilos was awarded with the EuroNatur prize.

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New EuroNatur-project: Dragoman Marsh in Bulgaria

Today with an official meeting of all project partners, representatives of local and national administrations and local people of the small town of Dragoman a new project for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development was launched in western Bulgaria.

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Germany’s most rare breeding bird is illegally shot in Croatia and Serbia

The Ferruginous Duck is one of the most rare breeding birds in Germany. Hence the shooting of hundreds of Ferruginous Ducks continuing during their breeding season, as it is happening in Serbia and Croatia these days, was fiercely criticised by the European Nature Heritage Fund EuroNatur.

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Where storks are "honorary citizens"

The ball that EuroNatur set rolling 15 years ago with its initiative "European Stork-Villages", is rolling splendidly: More and more awarded villages take active part in the Europe-wide ecological network for the protection of storks.

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First achievements in the fight against bird hunting on the Balkans

By changing its hunting laws, Montenegro has taken an important step towards an EU-membership. Montenegro is the second country on the Eastern Adriatic coast after EU-member Slovenia, which stops the hunting season on January 15, thus implementing one requirement of the EU- Directive on the conservation of wild birds.

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Crime scene Adriatic Coast: Migratory birds in focus

Habitat destruction and bird hunting turn the Balkan Peninsula into a dangerous course for migratory birds. The international conference on the protection of migratory birds helped significantly to reach the objective of improving the dramatic situation on the Balkans.

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Traditional butchers in danger

On 29 April 2004 the new EU hygiene regulations were published in the EU Official Journal and came into force on 1 January 2006. A study carried out by EuroNatur in cooperation with NEULAND e.V. set out to assess whether the scope created with the new regulations was in fact being used in the interest of the small, traditional butcher shops and whether there are stumbling blocks creating problems with the approval process.

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Clearing the way for Europe's wild animals

Especially Europe's bears, wolves and lynx are threatened by the fragmentation of their habitats. In view of the rapid expansion of road and rail networks, above all in Central and Southeast Europe, this situation becomes more and more precarious.

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Crime Scene Adriatic Coast - Bird Hunting on the Balkans

Like every year, the migratory birds are returning from their wintering grounds in southern Europe and Africa. Yet, how many of them eventually arrive at their destination is a gamble

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