Well advised - the EuroNatur Board of Trustees
The members of the Board of Trustees are appointed every two years. People from the widest possible fields and variety of experience bring in their expertise and contacts to support the work of EuroNatur. They serve on an honorary basis and support EuroNatur in three areas: specialist counsel particularly in the area of access to funds; public relations; bringing the Foundation and its work into the mainstream of society. The chairman of the Board of Trustees attends meetings of the Board in an advisory capacity.
At present:
- Heiko Arjes (forester)
- Karl Banghard (archeologist and EuroNatur donor)
- Beate Blahy (former Chair of the Federal Association Naturwacht e.V., Schorfheide-Chorin Biosphere Reserve )
- Stephan Börnecke (freelance journalist and author)
- Iris Brunar (BUND - Elbe project)
- Dr. Ernst Paul Dörfler (author and EuroNatur Award Winner 2010)
- Dr. Jutta Emig (Ministerial Councillor at the Ministry for the Environment)
- Roberto Epple (President European Rivers Network und EuroNatur Laureat 2018)
- Dr. Esther-Celia Heidbüchel (executive consultant)
- Prof. Dr. Sven Olaf Hoffmann (former Member of the Board of EuroNatur)
- Rüdiger Kuhn (North Europe President at Cemex)
- Prof. Dr.Maciej Nowicki (Polish Minister for the Environment 2007-2009)
- Eva Pongratz (CEO of Karl-Oskar Koenigs Foundation National Parks)
- Peter Rüther, Chairman of the Board of Trustees (Head of the Biological Field Station, Paderborn – Senne district)
- Friederike Siegmann (lawyer)
- Gudrun Steinacker (former ambassador and EuroNatur Laureat 2017)
- Dr. Norbert Wiersbinski (Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, International Academy for Nature Conservation Isle of Vilm)

Part of the EuroNatur Board of Trustees at Hutovo Blato Nature Park in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
© EuroNatur