An outstanding river conservationist

On 10 October, Roberto Epple, President of the European Rivers Network (ERN), was awarded the EuroNatur Prize 2018 for his outstanding contribution to the protection of European river landscapes. Born in St. Gallen in 1945, the hydrobiologist has fought for the near-natural preservation of the Danube, the Loire and the Elbe, amongst others, and with creative campaigns has consistently succeeded in mobilising people for the protection of rivers.
In his capacity as President of the ERN, Roberto Epple is also leading the #ProtectWater initiative which began on 9 October. Through it, a broad alliance of nature conservation organisations, of which EuroNatur is also a member, is fighting the threatened relaxation of the EU Water Framework Directive.
“The passion with which Roberto Epple advocates for Middle Europe’s river landscapes serves as a model for our nature conservation work and encourages us not to give up even in the face of strong opposition. With his unwavering love for rivers, he is an inspiring example to us all”, says EuroNatur President Christel Schroeder, explaining the choice of award winner for 2018.
EuroNatur Award 2018 Address: Christel Schroeder
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