Humans have a contradictory relationship with wolves: our favourite pet, the dog, is a descendant of the wolf yet, in much of Europe, the wolf has been persecuted to extinction. In many places, the return of wolves is a contentious issue; old fears are being reawakened and new ones stoked. Together with internationally recognised wolf experts, EuroNatur is committed to ensuring that wolves are able to extend their range in Europe again. The focus of our work is Central Eastern Europe and in the Balkans. We are working to promote a better understanding of wolves, to eliminate prejudices and to pave the way for a peaceful coexistence between humans and wolves.
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What we are doing for Europe's wolves
Creating solid databases: Together with our partners, we are ensuring that data on wolf populations is reliably captured and monitored in order to establish a basis for developing successful conservation strategies.
Facilitating a return: In many regions of Europe, wolves are returning to areas where, centuries ago, they were eradicated. The fact that this is happening largely without conflict is also due to the efforts being made by EuroNatur and its partners. We are taking the concerns of local people seriously and working with them to identify possible solutions, for example, through the provision of livestock guardian dogs.
Legally protecting wolves: In many countries such as Croatia, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria, we have been able to enforce legal protection and stop the excessive legal shooting of wolves. At European level, we are campaigning to ensure that the wolf remains a protected species throughout the EU.
Connecting populations: In order to connect wolf populations that have become isolated from one another, we are driving forward the preservation and restoration of ecological corridors. This is primarily being achieved by constructing wildlife bridges. We are thus facilitating genetic exchange between individual wolf populations as well as reducing the risk of wolves falling victim to road traffic accidents.
The decision to weaken the protection status of the wolf, contrary to scientific evidence, significantly diminishes the credibility of EU environmental policy and recklessly jeopardises years of conservation efforts.
Antje Henkelmann, Project Manager Wolf
Defusing conflict, building bridges, rearing livestock guardian dogs: There are many different aspects to protecting Europe’s wolves
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Join the many people getting actively involved for Europe’s wolves. We are grateful for any donation for wolves or active contribution you can make! In doing so, you are supporting an independent and networked civil society in Europe, which is campaigning vigorously to protect Europe’s wolves. Please help us any way you can!