Tackling the Climate and Ecological Crisis

Dactylorhiza incarnata in Töpchin Natura2000 area Dactylorhiza incarnata in Töpchin Natura2000 area
The NATURA 2000 network is the world's
biggest transboundary network of protected areas.
© Manuela Burkart

The ecological and climate crises threaten the health of the planet, human livelihoods and biodiversity. Climate action must work with nature by phasing out fossil fuels and nuclear energy while prioritising renewable energies that can minimise impacts on nature and take into account nature’s ecological capacities.

Donate for nature conservation in Europe.

Ahead of the discussions on a future EU Renewable Energy Directive EuroNatur released a position paper on 30 November 2021 that describes a new sustainable path for energy consumption, renewable energy and energy efficiency in the European Union. 

EuroNatur Position Paper on Climate Change

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Biodiversity on the Brink - What’s holding back financing for nature in the EU?

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The cover page of the publication "Biodiversity on the brink"
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RED*4Nature Campaign

The climate and biodiversity crises are the great environmental crises of our time - and can only be thought about and solved together. Playing off the necessary energy transition against the protection of species is not expedient. We have to look at solutions in a differentiated way and find win-win solutions. In our blog, we present our opinion on various topics of the RED4Nature campaign. Take a look: red4nature.eu


* Renewable Energy Directive

How you can help

Future needs nature. EuroNatur cares for it. Please use your possibilities to help. With your donation you will make an effective contribution to a more livable environment.

Sustaining membership

EuroNatur focuses on long-term nature conservation projects instead of quick fixes. With your regular donations, you give us the planning security we need.
