Getting active

Building a network for Europe’s nature

Spider web with hoarfrost, closeup
© Isabel Tschopp

Achieving stability by weaving networks is one of the main principles of nature and an integral constituent of EuroNatur’s philosophy.

Our projects unite nature conservationists, scientists, politicians and citizens across borders in order to jointly protect Europe’s natural treasures.

Become a part of this network, too!
For example, by subscribing to our newsletter or by taking advantage of the suggestions listed below.

  • Are you looking for an internship or a volunteer position?

    Would you like to save baby turtles in Greece or plant trees in Sicily? There are many opportunities to get involved by doing an internship or volunteer work.

  • Train AI and protect Europe's nature

    The software manufacturer CIB software GmbH from Munich is developing an artificial intelligence (AI) for the automatic processing of documents. In order to train the AI, volunteers are needed to sporadically perform tasks in the areas of

    • cropping
    • text recognition
    • segmentation
    • term recognition.

    In return, the volunteers are credited with points. The more tasks are completed, the more points are collected. The volunteers decide what to do with the points they collect. Among other things, they can be used to support the work of charitable organizations such as EuroNatur. The company donates ten eurocent per point to the organization chosen by the volunteers. The donation is triggered as soon as the organization has reached 100 euros.

    In short units, you can collect points in a fun way, have them converted into company donations and select EuroNatur as the recipient. You too can help!  More at

  • We’re happy whenever you share our contents

    Instagram - Facebook - YouTube - LinkedIn - Issuu - - -

    Doing this, you will help us increase the reach of our messages.

  • Recommend us to others!

    As a EuroNatur ambassador you can inspire your friends and acquaintances for our work. Personal recommendations are very effective. In this way, you help us to increase our profile without having to invest in advertising measures. 

  • Do you want to collect donations yourself?

    You can start your own fundraising campaign for one of our projects. Birthdays and anniversaries are perfect for this. But even self created events are welcome.

  • Do you run a blog or website?

    There you might link to our websites (see above) in your blog entries or links section.

  • Are you Wikipedia author?

    Irrespective of your language of writing – it helps very much in making us known, if you refer to EuroNatur as a source of information in relevant articles.

  • Do you take pictures?

    Then you might be interested in our well-established photo competition. Participation is free of charge.

  • Are you artist or music manager?

    You might arrange charity concerts, even small ones, provide exhibition space at events and soundtracks for film productions, or use other opportunities to promote the topics of organisations like EuroNatur with the audience.

  • Are you a documentary or amateur filmmaker, or YouTuber?

    Videos of all kind are important formats for transporting our contents. Get in contact with us: markus.dressnandt(at)

  • Are you entrepreneur, executive manager or freelancer?

    Get inspired by our suggestions.

  • Are you journalist, blogger or advertising manager?

    In our press room, you find press releases, our RSS feeds, our press contacts as well as free advertisements for download in many formats. 

  • Can you make a donation?

    Your donation for Europe's nature works! With your contribution you become part of an independent and networked civil society in Europe, which is strongly committed to the preservation of our basics of life. Please use your possibilities here. Thank you!

  • Frequently asked questions

    Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about donating to EuroNatur. There you will also find the right contact person for your very personal request.

Our work to protect Europe's nature depends on people who support us within their possibilities.

That's why we ask you to join us in promoting our shared values! Help us to do something concrete against species extinction and climate change! Please take part in averting existential threats from future generations! Because future needs nature - and as far as we're all concerned, the only way we can solve this is by working together.