
New Record in Stork Village

The European Stork Village Pentowo in the northeast of Poland, awarded by EuroNatur in 2001, has reported a new record: this year, 27 pairs of storks started to breed, more than ever before!


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Lynx Caught in Photo “Radar”

The EuroNatur partner organisation MES (Macedonian Ecological Society) reports a great success: with the help of a so-called photo trap, the lynx experts succeeded for the first time to prove the existence of a Balkan lynx not only in the Mavrovo National Park but now also in the Jablancia-Shebenik mountains along the borders of Macedonia and Albania.

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Award for Wolf Protection!

Great pleasure for EuroNatur’s partner WILK: the Polish natural heritage fund is the winner of the Traveler 2009 Award of the magazine National Geographic Poland. The award in the category “Social Initiative of the Year” acknowledges WILK’s successful PR work, which raised awareness for the protection of wolves and other predators among the Polish population.


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Balkan Lynx „Marko“ On The Air

Sensation in the Mavrovo National Park in Macedonia: for the first time, members of the environmental conservation organisation MES (Macedonian Ecological Society) and gamekeepers of the national park administration managed to catch a Balkan lynx in the evening of March 14th, 2010. They measured it and provided it with a GPS transmitter collar round its neck.

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Snow Stops Flock of Cranes

Snow and storm – winter temperatures still prevail in Europe. Nevertheless, the crane “Renttimä” has already set off from its wintering grounds in Libya end of February, returning home to its breeding grounds in the north of Finland along the Adriatic Flyway. Presently, it is held back by the bad weather in Montenegro, which delays its journey.

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Wolf protectors favourite for a prize

EuroNatur is delighted with the nomination for the Traveller 2009 Award for its Polish partner WILK. Every year, the magazine National Geographic Poland awards this prize in five different categories. WILK has been nominated in the category “Social Initiative of the Year”. With this award, the committee recognises the successful work of WILK: Their awareness training creates the required acceptance among the Polish population for a continued protection of wolves and other predators.

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The Last Few of its Kind

Team members of CBD Habitat, the Spanish partner of EuroNatur, announced a true sensation at the end of September 2009: at the beach of Cap Blanc, the Mauritanian part of the Atlantic Coast, a monk seal was born. An occurence like that was last reported in the 15th century!

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Persistent fight for a change of minds

Inter alia thanks to the commitment of Green Balkans, partner of EuroNatur, one third of Bulgaria is part of the Natura 2000 ecological network of protected areas. The implementation is difficult, though. Corrupt local policymakers contribute to destroying nature. Therefore, positive signals from Brussels are even more important. In mid January, the European Commission reinforced that it would refuse a softening of the Natura 2000 legislation. In an interview with EuroNatur, Dimitar Popov from the nature protection organisation Green Balkans reported about the difficulties they have in Bulgaria.

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Starlings are Waiting in the Wings

While Germany is still covered under ice and snow, migratory birds in the Mediterranean area are already waiting in the wings to return to their breeding grounds. Species like starlings, the Grey Heron, Eurasian Woodcock or the Northern Lapwing are just waiting for milder weather in our country to start their journey home. It is irresponsible that the bird hunting is in full swing in countries like Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania in January and February, and partly continues until March.

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The Fall of the Berlin Wall was Impetus for Nature Conservation without Borders

”Pulling down the Iron Curtain did not only liberate people all over Europe but it also opened new perspectives for nature conservation”, states Gabriel Schwaderer, Managing Director of EuroNatur, at the 20th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9th, 2009.

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