VIP Visit to EuroNatur Project Territory Dragoman

Matthias Höpfner, German ambassador in Bulgaria, visited the Dragoman karst moor yesterday. Mr. Höpfner was impressed by the outstanding geographical diversity and the extensive measures taken by EuroNatur and its local partners to protect the fen and its surrounding area.

Ambassador Matthias Höpfner learns about the EuroNatur project Dragoman.

On site: Ambassador Matthias Höpfner (2nd from right) learns about the EuroNatur project Dragoman.

© Annette Spangenberg

A large committee received the ambassador: EuroNatur project leader Annette Spangenberg, members of EuroNatur partner Balkani Wildlife Society (BWS) and the Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation (BBF) as well as representatives of the community of Dragoman, the region Sofia and the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) convened at Dragoman’s information centre to introduce him to the project and exchange ideas.  After that, Mr. Höpfner experienced firsthand numerous attractions of the diverse landscape.

The Dragoman moor, a fen near the Balkan Green Belt and approximately 400 hectares wide, is the most precious natural resource in Bulgaria. In the scope of a DBU funded project, EuroNatur has cooperated with the local administration and Bulgarian environmental conservation organisations since October 2009 engaging themselves to protect and sustain in the long-term the Dragoman moor and its bordering karst mountains and marsh areas.

Annette Spangenberg is convinced that “Matthias Höpfner’s visit is a demonstration to the local people that there is great international interest in that region. This is certainly an excellent incentive, too for the local administration to continue to actively support our work.”

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