
No buyer found for the Salina Ulcinj

On January 16th, the Montenegrin Salina Ulcinj was supposed to be sold for a minimum of 257.8 Million Euro. However, no matching bid was made until the until of the auction. This is a partial victory for nature conservation as a start. Yet, the sword of Damocles is still hanging above the Salina, a vital resting area for migratory birds.

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Most important resting area for migratory birds on the Eastern Adriatic coast to be transformed into a building site

Since December 16, countdown is running for the most important resting area for migratory birds on the Eastern Adriatic coast. On January 16, the Solana Ulcinj shall be sold for at least 257.8 million euro, which implies the imminent loss of these valuable wetlands.

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Polish wolves shot during drive hunt

Wild West in Poland: Last Saturday, Belgian hunters also shot two wolves in a drive hunt on deer, near the Drawa National Park in northwest Poland. Polish nature conservationists such as EuroNatur partner Wilk heavily protested.

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Macedonia's largest national park threatened by hydro power plant project

In middle of the second oldest and largest national park of Macedonia, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) plans to finance the construction of a large hydroelectric dam for power generation. The so called "Boskov Most" project means a serious threat to the Mavrovo National Park.

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Go-Ahead for large Nature Reserve in Southeast Europe?

The Balkan Green Belt is to expand further. In the three-country border area of Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia there are plans to create a “Shar Park” covering 2,000 square kilometres across borders.

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Switzerland to Loosen Protection for Wolves

The Swiss government wants to reduce the protection for wolves in Europe. On November 16th, they submitted a proposal to change the Bern Convention. With that, wolves could be shot more freely than today.

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Line of Life - Balkan Green Belt

From 16th to 19th November 2011, more than 50 representatives from governmental and non-governmental organizations met in order to discuss about the future of the European Green Belt in South-Eastern Europe.

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Bear 'Villarina' in front of the lens

Unhurried, the female bear 'Villarina' strolls through the forest in the Cantabrian Mountains in Northern Spain, wallowing in the leaves. With a hidden camera, EuroNatur partner Fapas succeeded in capturing rare insights into the life of the young bear.

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Bear dies in sling trap

Last Wednesday night, a bear perished in a sling trap in the Eastern Carpathian Mountains. Only three weeks ago, staff of EuroNatur partner Milvus had succeeded to free another bear from another trap not far away from this site. This time however, rescue unfortunately came too late.

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Peat Fires in Bosnia Are Spreading

Apart from the devastating fires in the “Crane Moor” of Livanjsko Polje another precious wetland in Bosnia-Herzegovina has caught fire.

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