
Don't be afraid of flood

This late afternoon, the Croatian conservationist Goran Gugic will receive the EuroNatur Award 2011 on the island of Mainau in Lake Constance. Last year, Dr. Ernst Paul Dörfer had been awarded for his commitment to protect the river Elbe. With the 2011 award, EuroNatur has linked Europe by including the Sava floodplains in Croatia, the largest alluvial wetlands in Europe covering more than 1.200 square kilometres.

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Huge Peat Fires in Bosnia

Unique biodiversity is in danger: a huge fire is raging in the 10,000 hectare wide “Crane Moor” in Bosnia. The fire not only threatens to destroy unique biotopes but also releases a substantial amount of carbon dioxide.

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Bear rescued from trap

Last weekend, staff of EuroNatur partner Milvus succeeded in rescuing a bear from a loop trap in the Eastern Carpathian Mountains in Romania. Luckily, the young bear got off lightly.

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Living with water

As manager of the nature park Lonjsko Polje in the Sava wetlands, Goran Gugic has created a model of how cultural landscapes in Europe can be efficiently protected. On October 2011 he will be awarded with this year's EuroNatur prize on the island of Mainau, Lake Constance.

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A New Home for Ospreys

„Ben is back in Villaviciosa.“ Roberto Hartasánchez, president of EuroNatur partner Fapas is delighted. Since September 14th, the young male osprey has returned from its breeding grounds in England to the Villaviciosa lagoon, situated at the coast of north Spain, to overwinter there as last year.

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Monk Seals: Baby boom at Cap Blanc

The population of monk seals keeps increasing at Cap Blanc. Sixteen baby monk seals were born between January and June 2011 - six more compared to the same period last year. These are the current results of the intense monitoring, carried out by members of EuroNatur’s partner CBD Habitat for many years.

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A Gallery for the White Stork

The Toczylowski family estate is located on the border of the wetlands of the Narew River in northeastern Poland, which thanks to intensive protection measures presently hosts 31 stork pairs with a total of 60 juveniles. In time for the 10th anniversary of the "European Stork Village" Tykocin, the inauguration of the stork gallery took place on the Pentowo estate.

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Discover Nature and History by Hiking

Here is one for nature lovers and hikers: a new network of hiking trails in the Jablanica-Shebenik mountains of the Albanian-Macedonian border area invites holidaymakers to discover the stunning nature at the Balkan Green Belt and traces of the recent history.

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German-Polish wolf population keeps growing

Compared to last year's census, the number of wolf packs in western Poland, close to the German border, has been rising. This is the result of a wolf monitoring project financed by the IFAW and the nature heritage fund EuroNatur and carried out by the Polish Association for Nature (AfN) WOLF, which presented its current report.

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EU-Accession of Croatia: Valuable Cultural Landscapes as "endowment"

Last Friday, Croatia was cleared to become the newest member state of the European Union. In accordance with the current political progress, EuroNatur will award the EuroNatur prize 2011 to the Croatian conservationist Goran Gugic in October of this year.

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