Third Balkan Lynx goes on air
All good things come in threes! On 31 October 2012 lynx experts from the Macedonian Ecological Society (MES), one of EuroNatur’s partner organisations, once again succeeded in capturing a Balkan Lynx, to measure it and fit it with a tracking device. ‘Martin’ joins Marko and Riste to become the third lynx to be fitted with a GPS tracking collar.
More ...Filling Gaps in the Protection of Spoonbills in Europe
An international workshop for the protection of spoonbills took place from 25 to 30 September 2012 in the Nature Reserve of the Marshes of Santoña in northern Spain. Many partners of EuroNatur took part. A short movie of the workshop shows what successes have already been achieved in the protection of the spoonbills and which challenges still have to be met.
More ...Martin Schneider-Jacoby remembered in a short film on bird-hunting
“Road trip with Martin” is the name of a short film just released by the film maker Ilhan Dervovi? in memory of the EuroNatur campaigner Dr. Martin Schneider-Jacoby, who died in August 2012. Images of bird-hunting hot spots along the eastern Adriatic coast are accompanied by a commentary by Martin Schneider-Jacoby.
More ...Working together for nature and wildlife conservation in Macedonia
The Balkan lynx is on the brink to extinction. According to the latest scientific research, there are not more than 20 to 40 odd animals left. Researchers of the Macedonian Ecological Society (MES) presented this pessimistic scenario on the 4th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia (12 - 15 October 2012).
More ...Bulgarian Forest Rangers Visit the Black Forest
How can forestry and nature conservation work together successfully? In order to find answers to this question, a group of forest rangers from Bulgaria visited the German Black Forest Nature Park at the end of September. This 5-day study tour was organised by EuroNatur and its Bulgarian partner organisation Green Balkans.
More ...Sava river and Europe’s largest alluvial forests at risk
One of the last natural rivers in Europe is to be downgraded to "an extensively modified body of water". At least this is how representatives of Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia and Serbia rank the Sava in the latest draft of their management plan for the river. If this classification continues to be used, it would be a terrible step in the wrong direction, particularly with view to Croatia’s impending accession to the EU.
More ...Spain: Bear trapped in a snare
Sad news from Spain: On August 26th, 2012, a brown bear fell victim to a snare in Asturias and was injured so badly that it died the same day.
More ...Montenegro designates new conservation areas
The decision at the end of July to make the Saline Ulcinj salt flats a designated nature area was only the beginning. It has just been announced that the Montenegrin government has also decided to secure seven further areas as nature reserves in addition to Saline Ulcinj.
More ...EuroNatur mourns the loss of Dr. Martin Schneider-Jacoby
On 15th August 2012 Dr. Martin Schneider-Jacoby died after a brief, severe illness at the age of 56. Ever since the founding of EuroNatur 25 years ago - and so for virtually half his life - he threw himself into the task of preserving the natural heritage of Europe: his commitment never faltered. The death of Martin Schneider-Jacoby is a heavy loss.
More ...Bulgaria's conservationists prevent controversial Forestry Act
In the dispute about the revision of the Bulgarian Forestry Act conservation has achieved major success. Due to massive pressure from Bulgarian nature conservation organisations like EuroNatur-partner Green Balkans, parliament has withdrawn the most controversial passages from the final version of the amending law.
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