
6th Pan-European Green Belt Conference

The „European Green Belt“, which is currently the most fascinating and ambitious nature conservation initiative in Europe, is a key contribution to preserve and develop the ecological infrastructure in Europe. More than 100 representatives of ministries and non-government organisations from the 24 countries at the European Green Belt meet in Mavrovo from June 28th to 30th to give a strong signal for cross border nature conservation in Europe.

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Solana Ulcinj – A Ray of Hope for Migratory Birds

The future of the most important resting area for migratory birds at the eastern Adriatic coast was on a knife's edge only until recently. Now, Montenegro's Ministry for Tourism and Sustainable Development has decided to put all of the Solana Ulcinj (except for the buildings and the last brine pit) under nature conservation. Thus, the ecological value of this region is officially recognised.

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The Blue Heart of Europe is threatened with collapse

There is acute danger that the “Blue Heart“ of Europe, a unique European natural heritage that has evolved over a million years, may be destroyed in one blow. Nowhere in Europe except here in the Balkans can such a number of natural, still untouched riverscapes be found. But precisely this sensitive and unique diversity is facing a radical attack from the hydroelectric power lobby.

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Wolf killed in the Westerwald

Now we know it for sure: The animal recently shot by a hunter in Rheinland-Pfalz was a wolf. It’s probably the same animal that was sighted and photographed in the Westerwald in late February 2012. This first documented observation of a wolf in Rheinland-Pfalz after 123 years had inspired hopes that the grey predators might return to this part of Germany.

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Recent photos from a second Balkan lynx!

Great delight for the EuroNatur-partner PPNEA: For the second time the Albanian conservationists succeeded in taking pictures by means of automatic photographic cameras of a Balkan lynx in the mountainous north of Albania.

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Escaping from the cold to the Adriatic Neretva Delta

Tens of thousands of wild geese escaped the cold in Central Europe in the beginning of February. On their way towards the eastern Adriatic Coast, most of them fell victim to bird hunters. But 1,200 greater white-fronted geese and five red-breasted geese were lucky. They landed in the Neretva Delta in Croatia, where local conservationists protect them from poachers.

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Will Croatia Destroy its Most Beautiful Section at River Danube?

The decision on the future of one of the most precious floodplains along the river Danube is just around the corner. Shipping plans to regulate the Danube along a 53 kilometres section between the border of Croatia and Serbia.Working on an international level, EuroNatur categorically rejects the planned channelling.

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The other side of the ski medal

Million viewers will follow the women’s downhill race in Bankso, Bulgaria next weekend. Many do not know that for almost half of the ski slopes forests were illegally cut down in the national park Pirin.

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Over 163.000 waterbirds counted

The riverine landscapes of Mur, Drava and Danube count among the most important resting and wintering refuges for waterbirds in Europe; this has again been demonstrated in this year's International Waterbird Census (IWC), registering over 163.000 waterbirds.

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2nd February is World Wetlands Day

The eastern Adriatic coast has more to offer than just beaches and a steel-blue sea: underground caves, huge lakes and karst moors - flooded and dried out by subterranean watercourses. At the World Wetlands Day on February 2nd, the Pan-European nature conservation organisation EuroNatur wants to draw the attention to the importance of wetlands on the Balkan Peninsula.

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