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European Parliament criticizes Albania’s hydropower policies

The European Parliament called upon the Albanian government to rethink the projected hydropower projects along the Vjosa River and its tributaries. In their Motion for a Resolution the vast majority of the EU parliamentarians demanded from Albania to abandon all hydropower projects, particularly those in national parks.

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Huge hotel complex versus bird heaven

Together with its partners EuroNatur organised a conference in Podgorica from 8–9 April 2015 to promote the protection of the Ulcinj salt flats. This internationally important wetland is in danger of falling victim to mass tourism. In a joint final declaration, all particpants emphasised the need for the Ulcinj salt flats to be placed under immediate protection.

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Study confirms: The Heart of the Huchen beats on the Balkans

As a contribution to this year’s UN World Water Day (22.3.), representatives of the fields of science and fisheries in cooperation with environmental NGOs present a study about the distribution of the Huchen on the Balkan Peninsula. The results clearly show that the Balkan rivers constitute the last big hot spot for this species.

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The Vjosa River at a Crossroad – Dam Tsunami or National Park?

Today, the international NGOs Riverwatch and EuroNatur, together with their local partner EcoAlbania, are presenting a paper, which for the first time reveals the full extent of the threat to the Vjosa catchment area. According to this paper, the last big wild river of Europe is at risk of complete destruction.

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The threat to Ulcinj Salina is still very much alive

For many species of ducks and waterbirds the Ulcinj Salina represents one of the most important resting places on their route through the Mediterranean. The precious natural heritage of Ulcinj Salina is in danger of falling prey to the interests of developers of mass tourism.

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Vjosa in Albania: The municipalities of Përmet and Çarshovë want a National Park instead of dams

On Wednesday and Thursday the first public discussions about the future of the Vjosa Valley took place in the cities of Çarshovë (16.12.) and Përmet (17.12.) in southern Albania. While official plans of the government envisage the construction of eight dams along the river, the mayors and people of the affected communities support the alternative idea of establishing a national park.

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Dam projects: Case against Macedonia

Due to the projected construction of hydropower plants in the Mavrovo National Park, proceedings under the Bern Convention are being initiated against Macedonia. Plans for the hydro projects shall rest until the situation is resolved.

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NGO Protest: Sava River at Risk

In an open letter, fifteen environmental non-governmental organisations protest against the intention of the International Sava River Basin Commission to adopt a management plan for the Sava River basin.

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Exceptional dedication for European symbol of peace

Today the Czech environmental and nature protection organisation Hnutí Duha (Friends of the Earth Czech Republic) received the EuroNatur Award 2014. Hnutí Duha has been for two decades working for the protection of National Park Šumava in an exemplary manner. Šumava is an important part of the European Green Belt.

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Crime Scene Adriatic Coast

The protection of the migrating birds was the central focus of the Second Adriatic Flyway Conference which took place from 1st to 3rd October in Albania. More than 70 experts from 20 countries congregated for the conference in Durres.

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