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Rarest Cat on Earth Finally Included in the Red List
Is there a reason for joy, when a species appears on the Red List? In this case, yes. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) acknowledged the Balkan Lynx as a distinct subspecies of the Eurasian Lynx and subsequently classified it as ‘critically endangered’.
More ...EU reports on aspirant nations' progress
The EU Commission has published reports today on aspirant nations' progress towards EU accession. The commission registers the fact that there is still a considerable way to go, most particularly in the area of nature conservation.
More ...Bern Convention calls for halt to hydropower development in Mavrovo National Park
This summer an international expert team visited Mavrovo National Park in Macedonia on behalf of the Bern Convention’s Standing Committee. Their mission: to assess compatibility of the projected hydropower plants with the status of protection of the Park. Their main findings leave no doubt...
More ...Distinction for a distinguished friend of birdlife
Today the US American writer Jonathan Franzen received the 2015 EuroNatur Award on the island of Mainau in Lake Constance. “With this award we honor Jonathan Franzen's great commitment to the protection of birdlife in Europe” says Christel Schroeder, President of the EuroNatur Foundation.
More ...STOP Mokrice dam
Today, national and international environmental NGOs as well as experts call on Slovenian Minister of the Environment Irena Majcen to refuse approval of the projected hydropower plant Mokrice on the Sava river.
More ...Jonathan Franzen receives EuroNatur Award 2015
On 14th October, Jonathan Franzen will receive the 2015 EuroNatur Award. “We are honoured to offer the award to Jonathan Franzen for his active involvement in the protection of birds” says Christel Schroeder, President of EuroNatur.
More ...Three new insect species discovered in Macedonia
In collaboration with Wolfram Graf, assistant professor at the Vienna University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, a team of scientists has discovered three previously unknown aquatic insect species inside the Mavrovo National Park in Macedonia.
More ...Best-selling US author Jonathan Franzen to receive EuroNatur Award 2015
Jonathan Franzen is a passionate bird-watcher and a great champion of bird protection in Europe. On the 14th October EuroNatur Foundation is honouring him with the EuroNatur Award 2015.
More ...Stork habitat under threat in Europe
The 12th conference of European Stork Villages was held in Cigoc in the district of Sisak in Croatia from 25–27 June 2015. Well over 50 representatives took up the invitation from the European Stork Village of Cigoc.
More ...Dam craze puts protected areas in the Balkans at risk
A recent study on hydropower projects inside protected areas commissioned by Riverwatch and EuroNatur shows that 535 projects are currently planned within strict nature conservation areas, 113 of which in the midst of national parks.
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