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Save the blue heart of Europe

One of Europe’s oldest national parks is in danger: two large hydropower plants are to be built in Macedonia’s Mavrovo National Park with the help of international funding. Both the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) plan to fund these projects. But now objections are being raised. 119 environmental scientists from around the world are protesting about the plans.

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EuroNatur in search of the most beautiful photos of nature in Europe

Magic moments and breathtaking sceneries: this is already the 21st time that EuroNatur, the nature heritage foundation, is launching the nature photo competition "Nature treasures of Europe". We are looking forward to receiving the most beautiful and spectacular photos of animals, plants or landscapes in Europe.

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Forest with autumn leaves seen from below

Nature's Masterpieces

Magically glowing autumn leaves, a moor frog in nuptial colours and a botanical beauty with turban: for this year’s photo competition "Natural Treasures in Europe" 640 photographers from 26 countries have gone on photo safari and captured the wild variety of Europe’s nature in fascinating pictures.


Strengthening the Stork Conservation Network

From August 7th to 10th, 2013, the Slovenian Stork Village Velika Polana hosted the 10th annual conference of the European Stork Villages network. About 40 participants from 10 countries met up to develop solutions for the future of stork conservation.

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First “Amazon of Europe day”

Supported by EuroNatur and WWF, numerous partner NGOs from Croatia and Hungary, together with politicians from both countries, celebrated the first international “Amazon of Europe day” on July 14th. The event aimed for calling attention to the high ecological value of Europe’s last pristine river systems and the threats they are facing.

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Jonathan Franzen talks about bird-hunting in the Balkans

In March 2012 American bestselling author Jonathan Franzen went to the Balkans on a fact-finding mission on bird-hunting for National Geographic. The alarming findings of his journey can be read in the latest issue of the magazine.

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Sava river and Europe’s largest alluvial forests at risk

One of the last natural rivers in Europe is to be downgraded to "an extensively modified body of water". At least this is how representatives of Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia and Serbia rank the Sava in the latest draft of their management plan for the river. If this classification continues to be used, it would be a terrible step in the wrong direction, particularly with view to Croatia’s impending accession to the EU.

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Montenegro protects the most important resting place for migratory birds on the eastern Adriatic coast

Yesterday the Montenegrin parliament decidedto designate Ulcinj salt flats as a specialist nature area. "This is an important victory in our quest to preserve the Saline Ulcinj salt flats as the most important resting place for migratory birds on the eastern coast of the Adriatic," says Gabriel Schwaderer, head of EuroNatur.

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Impetus for the European Green Belt initiative

The 6th Pan-European Conference on the European Green Belt in the Mavrovo National Park (FYR Macedonia) closed with an appeal for the conservation and protection of the natural treasures so far preserved in the shadow of the former Iron Curtain. The conference with its roughly 100 participants representing 21 countries along the European Green Belt focussed their particular criticism on the endangering of the Mavrovo National Park.

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6th Pan-European Green Belt Conference

The „European Green Belt“, which is currently the most fascinating and ambitious nature conservation initiative in Europe, is a key contribution to preserve and develop the ecological infrastructure in Europe. More than 100 representatives of ministries and non-government organisations from the 24 countries at the European Green Belt meet in Mavrovo from June 28th to 30th to give a strong signal for cross border nature conservation in Europe.

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