River news

Bern Convention targets crimes against nature

Dams, power plants, airports: numerous complaints from nature conservation organizations against destructive projects in the Balkans

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Award for Slovenian river conservationist

The biologist Andreja Slameršek was awarded the Wolfgang Staab Nature Conservation Prize on 11th November, a recognition of her tireless campaigning against hydroelectric projects on the Mur and Sava rivers. The supreme administrative court in Slovenia has meanwhile ruled in favour of the river conservationists in the Mokrice case.

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Still a long way to go for Western Balkan states

EU Commission presents country reports on accession candidates

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Demand: EIB has to improve environmental and social standards

The European Investment Bank has financed a series of damaging hydropower projects since 2010 which underline the need to tighten its environmental and social standards, according to a new report published today by CEE Bankwatch Network and EuroNatur.

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Two studies for the restoration of the Sava River and its floodplain published

Two brand-new studies for the revitalization of the Sava River and its floodplain have been published presented to key stakeholders from 19 to 22 September as part of the Sava Parks II - Freedom for Sava project.

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Goldman Environmental Prize for the “Brave Women of Kruščica”

++ River defenders from Bosnia and Herzegovina win the Goldman Environmental Prize ++ For the second time in the past three years an activist has has received this prestigious award for campaigning against hydro power in the Balkans ++

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Science week at the Vjosa tributaries

++ 35 scientists from Austria, Albania, Italy and Germany assess the two major Vjosa tributaries for a week ++ Data will be used to fight planned hydropower projects in Albanian court ++

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Plans for Kalivaç dam finally shelved

Great news for the Albanian Vjosa: The Kalivaç dam, which for many years hovered like a sword of Damocles over Europe's last great wild river, will not now be built.

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EU funds for the destruction of nature?

For years, EuroNatur and its partner organisations have been fighting against the controversial Mokrice hydropower plant on the Sava River. The Slovenian government is now trying to finance the construction through the backdoor of the EU recovery funds.

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Bird paradise in Albania threatened by construction of an airport

++ An airport is to be built in the Narta Lagoon on the Adriatic ++ A stopover site of major international importance for migratory water birds ++ 8th May is World Migratory Bird Day ++

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