River news

NGO Protest: Sava River at Risk

In an open letter, fifteen environmental non-governmental organisations protest against the intention of the International Sava River Basin Commission to adopt a management plan for the Sava River basin.

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Sava floods: Floodplains save life and property

While the worst part of the recent floods in the Sava basin seem to be over, it is crucial to analyse their drivers and consider the lessons to be learned. Together with its partners EuroNatur presents a flood mitigation concept working with nature rather than against it.

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Nearly 100,000 against dams in Mavrovo National Park

One of Europe‘s oldest national parks shall remain free of new dams. Until yesterday 97,804 people signed a letter of protest against two projected hydropower plants inside the Mavrovo National Park in Macedonia. Today, the petition was handed over to the Macedonian Prime Minister Nicola Gruevski. This action was part of the Save the Blue Heart of Europe campaign.

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Wolf, Egyptian Vulture, Black Pennant, and Black Widow recorded at the Vjosa River in Albania

In the context of the Days of Biodiversity an initiative of the German GEO magazine – an international field research event took place at the Vjosa river in Albania in mid-June. The remarkable results will be published in the latest issue of the GEO magazine, which will be released tomorrow.

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Hands off Mavrovo National Park!

The World Bank Country Unit for Southeast Europe based in Vienna had unusual visitors this morning. Representatives of the environmental NGO Riverwatch handed over a letter of protest - signed by 77,930 people - against the proposed funding of a hydroelectric dam in the Mavrovo National Park in Macedonia.

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Albania: National Park for Vjosa River instead of Dams

An unusual press conference has taken place in Albania today. On the gravel islands of the Vjosa River – the last big wild river in Europe – representatives of international and national environmental groups came together with the local mayor and business people in order to propose an idea to save the Vjosa.

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Dam Tsunami to Threaten Balkan Rivers

As a contribution to this year’s UN World Water Day (22.3.) on the topic of “Water and Energy”, EuroNatur and Riverwatch draw attention to the impending destruction of rivers on the Balkan Peninsula. Disguised as green sources of energy, more than 570 hydropower plants are planned to be built between Slovenia and Albania.

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Little river in a forest

Spiegel magazine: Europe’s last wild rivers to be sold off

More than 570 dams are currently planned for the Balkans. Together with its partner Riverwatch, EuroNatur is campaigning against the destruction of Europe’s last wild rivers. This precarious situation is the subject of Philip Bethge’s article “Dams Threaten Europe's Last Wild Rivers” in the current issue of Spiegel magazine.

To the article: Dams Threaten Europe's Last Wild Rivers

Save the blue heart of Europe

One of Europe’s oldest national parks is in danger: two large hydropower plants are to be built in Macedonia’s Mavrovo National Park with the help of international funding. Both the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) plan to fund these projects. But now objections are being raised. 119 environmental scientists from around the world are protesting about the plans.

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