River news

Controversial airport construction in Albanian protected area casts shadow as far as Munich

++ Operating company Munich Airport International (MAI) is linked to illegal Vlora airport ++ Construction to take place in protected area of special importance for international bird migration ++

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Disappointing results of last trilogue on Renewable Energy Directive

++ Woody biomass and hydropower can continue to count towards renewable energy targets ++ No will for sustainable climate policy in the EU in sight ++

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Major success: River Vjosa becomes National Park

++ Today the Vjosa River in Albania has been proclaimed Europe’s first Wild River National Park ++ EuroNatur, Riverwatch and many other partners have been working towards this day for many years ++ The River Aoos on the Greek side, the tributaries of the Vjosa and its Delta also need to be granted extensive protection ++

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Vjosa Wild River National Park: Feasibility Study is a major milestone

The Vjosa River in Albania, one of the last wild rivers of Europe, is one major step closer to protection today as the team of Albanian and international experts working to create Vjosa Wild River National Park presented their vision, roadmap, and feasibility study to the Albanian Government.

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Legal action against the Vlora Airport in Albania

New developments on the planned airport construction in the Narta lagoon: The lawsuit filed by our partners against the project was ruled as inadmissible in the first instance, but they are not backing down and have filed an appeal. Additionally, our partners have filed another lawsuit against the Albanian Council of Ministers.

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Bern Convention demands Bosnia-Herzegovina to stop all dam projects on Neretva River

On 2nd December, the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention (Convention on the Conservation of European Wild Flora and Fauna and Natural Habitats), decided to open a case-file against Bosnia-Herzegovina demanding to stop all hydropower plants in the Neretva River system and to establish protected areas, instead.

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Environmental groups suing the Albanian authorities for the illegal construction of the Vlora Airport

Environmental groups challenge the contract for the construction of Vlora International Airport as null due to the irregularities and the violation of laws. The airport, which is already under construction, is a massive threat to the natural ecosystem of the Vjosë-Nartë Protected Landscape. The development permit was issued before the finalization of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), and the EIA process itself is irregular and not in compliance with general requirements according to the law.

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International protest against Belgian dam investor who threatens river activists in Bosnia-Herzegovina

SLAPP lawsuit against two young women from Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Rejection of hydropower plants in the National Park - North Macedonia revokes concessions

++ A milestone that puts wind into the sails of NGOs’ fight for free-flowing rivers ++ A vital first step to continue the protection of rivers in all of North Macedonia’s national parks ++

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Preliminary Report of the Neretva Science Week

The first findings of the Neretva Science Week were summarized in a report. It provides preliminary impressions, highlights and an overview from the individual specialist groups.

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