River news

Environmental groups suing the Albanian authorities for the illegal construction of the Vlora Airport

Environmental groups challenge the contract for the construction of Vlora International Airport as null due to the irregularities and the violation of laws. The airport, which is already under construction, is a massive threat to the natural ecosystem of the Vjosë-Nartë Protected Landscape. The development permit was issued before the finalization of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), and the EIA process itself is irregular and not in compliance with general requirements according to the law.

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International protest against Belgian dam investor who threatens river activists in Bosnia-Herzegovina

SLAPP lawsuit against two young women from Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Rejection of hydropower plants in the National Park - North Macedonia revokes concessions

++ A milestone that puts wind into the sails of NGOs’ fight for free-flowing rivers ++ A vital first step to continue the protection of rivers in all of North Macedonia’s national parks ++

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Preliminary Report of the Neretva Science Week

The first findings of the Neretva Science Week were summarized in a report. It provides preliminary impressions, highlights and an overview from the individual specialist groups.

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High risks for hydropower investments in the Balkans

Greenfield large hydropower investments across southeast Europe (1) face major risks and low realisation rates, according to a new report by CEE Bankwatch, EuroNatur, Riverwatch and WWF Adria published today, which also highlights nine high-risk project cases (2).

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Exploring the unknown: Science Week on the upper Neretva river

Around 50 international scientists and river conservationists spent a week carrying out research on the upper reaches of the Neretva river. The data will be used to help stop hydropower projects on the Bosnian river.

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Attention for RED4Nature campaign

On 22 and 23 June, artists and EuroNatur employees attracted attention in Brussels with two high-visibility events. With artworks and a flash video, they brought the Renewable Energy Directive into focus.

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Albanian Government signs commitment to establish a Vjosa Wild River National Park

++ Albania takes an important step towards protecting the Vjosa River as government signs commitment to collaborate on Europe’s first Wild River National Park ++

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World Water Day 2022 - Groundwater: The Liver of our Rivers

The theme of this year’s World Water Day is “making the invisible visible” with a special emphasis on the importance of groundwater.

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Hydropower as a climate saviour? A myth long outdated

River valleys are fertile habitats for humans and animals. Destroying them – to generate supposedly climate-friendly hydropower – has nothing to do with climate protection. If the Renewable Energy Directive recognises this, it will send an important signal for nature conservation throughout Europe.

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