Forest news

Activists urge EU Commission to save Romania’s Virgin Forests

EuroNatur and Agent Green: EU’s biggest nature crisis in Romania requires immediate action

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Petition to save Europe's last virgin forests

The fourth episode of the investigative documentary series "Out of Control" shows dramatic destruction in the Romanian Calimani National Park. To coincide with the broadcast of the episode, a petition for the protection of the Romanian paradise forests has been launched. Please sign it too!

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Scandalous deforestation in Romania revealed

The third episode of the investigative documentary series "Out of Control" reveals that the destruction of forests in the Romanian Cheile Nerei-Beusnita National Park is being deliberately conducted by state-owned forestry company Romsilva.

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Forest destruction in Romania: Large-scale raid against criminal network started

The anti-mafia prosecutor's office in Bucharest is finally taking action against the mafia structures of the Romanian timber industry. During a raid, sawmills were searched and several people were presented for questioning.

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Romania: Stopp Logging National Parks

++ Protest action in the wilderness of Domogled National Park draws public attention to environmental drama in the Carpathians ++

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European Court of Justice ruling on Bialowieza: EU must also take action in Romania

Bialowieza: EuroNatur and Agent Green welcome ruling of European Court of Justice and call for forest aid in Romania

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Timber companies dissociate from sourcing wood from Romanian national parks and primeval forests

EuroNatur and Agent Green investigate traceability of wood ++ International timber companies call on Romanian government to clarify legal situation ++ Romanian old-growth forests are massively threatened by illegal logging

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Construction works on the Jiu hydroelectric power plant still going on

It is scandalous: The romanian appeals court declared the building permission of the Jiu hydroelectric plant several times, lately in December. However, the state energy provider Hidroelectrica decided to ignore the court decision and continues the construction works.

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Hydroelectric power station on the River Jiu halted for the time being

Encouraging news for the Romanian River Jiu: the building permit has been declared null and void by the courts. As a result the Jiu may continue to flow freely, for the time being at least.

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Second part of the documentary series "Out of Control" reveals further intrigues

Destruction of old-growth forests in Romania: logging devastates parts of Semenic National Park, too ++ EuroNatur and Agent Green: unacceptable incompetence by state forest administration ”Romsilva” and director of national park ++ Documentary series about virgin forests makes a great stir

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