Forest news

More rigorous protection needed for Europe’s virgin forests

On 4 and 5 February, the EU’s future forest policy was discussed at the EU International Conference on Forests for Biodiversity and Climate in Brussels. In his opening speech, Frans Timmermans, Commissioner for the European Green Deal, spoke emphatically about the work which needs to be done - but these words must now be followed by actions. Outside, forest conservationists protested against logging in Europe’s last remaining virgin forests.

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New loggings and fires threaten the Domogled National Park

Tree felling is intruding further and further into the forest wilderness of the Domogled National Park at Valea Cernei in the southern Carpathian Mountains. Serious forest fires have destroyed valuable areas in one of the most important natural landscapes of the EU.

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Murders in Romania's virgin forests shock public opinion

EuroNatur and Agent Green: Romania must intensify fight against mafia and corruption in forestry sector

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Romania: New inventory reveals huge and threatened natural forest treasure

EuroNatur and Agent Green: Europe must halt forest destruction in Romania

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EU-Commission urged to protect Europe's last natural forests from illegal logging

Environmental organisations EuroNatur, Agent Green and ClientEarth have advanced their fight against illegal logging of old-growth and primeval forests in Romania by filing a complaint against the country’s authorities to the European Commission.

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Spectacular climbing action shines spotlight on need to protect primary forests in the Romanian Carpathians

Protest against destruction of UNESCO World Heritage Site by road construction and logging in Romania

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Romania rebuked for insufficiently protecting the World Heritage ‘Beech Forests’

++ World Heritage Committee criticises management of primeval beech forests in Romania ++ Committee’s appraisal applies to the World Heritage property as a whole, including its German parts ++

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Rapid loss of species: Europe's virgin forests need to be protected

++ Intergovernmental science-policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services confirms grave situation of biodiversity ++ One of the most urgent measures is to protect old forests ++ EuroNatur and Agent Green call on EU heads of government to finally protect Romania’s primeval forests ++

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Counter shows forest destruction of Romanian virgin forests in real time

++ Romanian EU Presidency 2019: Eyes on Romania - and the virgin forest destruction ++ EuroNatur and Agent Green call on Romania and EU to turn ignorance into action ++

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Activists urge EU Commission to save Romania’s Virgin Forests

EuroNatur and Agent Green: EU’s biggest nature crisis in Romania requires immediate action

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