Unlocking funds for nature: How the next EU budget must deliver for biodiversity

Effective and well targeted financing is crucial for achieving EU biodiversity objectives. A report by EuroNatur and other nature conservation organisations shows the considerable funding gaps and shows how things can be done better.

Colourful flowers in the meadow

The conservation of extensively utilised meadows and pastures is crucial to overcoming the biodiversity crisis in Europe.

© Anton Laut

The European Union's financial framework for the coming years is currently being debated. Nature is at risk of being forgotten – once again. However, overcoming the biodiversity crisis also depends on the EU's ability to provide financial resources for the protection and restoration of nature.

A statement drawn up jointly by EuroNatur, Bankwatch and seven other nature conservation organisations contains proposals on how the European Union can improve its funding for the protection of biodiversity. This also includes, to stop financing environmentally harmful projects.

Though focused on the post-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework, it also takes a broader perspective on biodiversity financing and considers the longer term need to re-evaluate current approaches. The proposals are therefore designed to put biodiversity on a path to recovery beyond the next funding period.

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