
Last vultures released into the wild in Bulgaria

++ Two female Cinereous Vultures have been released into the wild in Bulgaria ++ Seven-year project has been completed successfully ++ 3rd September is “World Vulture Day” ++

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Environmental Organisations Present Key Requirements for an Oder River Action Programme

Turn the Oder disaster into an opportunity for ecological revitalisation

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Oder catastrophe: Completely clarify causes and ensure restoration of the Oder

The environmental disaster in the Oder River is man-made, that much is certain. Decisive steps are needed now.

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Drought at Ulcinj Salina

Drought and inadequate water management have caused the Ulcinj Salina in Montenegro to all but dry up. Conservationists can at least see a positive side to the drought, however.

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Preliminary Report of the Neretva Science Week

The first findings of the Neretva Science Week were summarized in a report. It provides preliminary impressions, highlights and an overview from the individual specialist groups.

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Stork village meeting in Taraš in Serbia

At long last a meeting face to face: After a pause of two years enforced by Covid, representatives from seven European Stork Villages met together in Taraš.

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High risks for hydropower investments in the Balkans

Greenfield large hydropower investments across southeast Europe (1) face major risks and low realisation rates, according to a new report by CEE Bankwatch, EuroNatur, Riverwatch and WWF Adria published today, which also highlights nine high-risk project cases (2).

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Award for forest conservationists from Germany and Ukraine

++ EuroNatur Award 2022 goes to Antje Grothus, Fedir Hamor and the Free Svydovets organisation ++ Europe's last virgin forests are under enormous pressure from overexploitation ++ War in Ukraine hampers the work of forest conservationists in the Carpathians ++

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Ulcinj Salina registered as state property

The salt pans in the south of Montenegro have been entered into the cadastre of the city of Ulcinj as state-owned land. This finally settles the question of ownership, which has been a long lasting dispute with the salina‘s insolvency administration.

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Exploring the unknown: Science Week on the upper Neretva river

Around 50 international scientists and river conservationists spent a week carrying out research on the upper reaches of the Neretva river. The data will be used to help stop hydropower projects on the Bosnian river.

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