
One, two, many – Workshop on the waterbird census

In January 2017 the midwinter International Waterbird Census will take place again. In order to make this possible representatives from nine different EuroNatur partner organisations were trained in a three-day practice orientated workshop in Mekovic in the Neretva-Delta in Croatia.

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Put a stop to environmental destruction in national park!

Bulgaria’s conservationists are very concerned: the species-rich forests of the Pirin National Park are under threat from logging on a grand scale. With the support of “For the Nature in Bulgaria”, an alliance of a number of organisations, the WWF has started a petition to put a stop to these destructive plans. Please add your name to the petition!

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Privatisation plans threaten Montenegro’s national parks

The Montenegrin government plans to privatise the country’s national parks - thereby open the floodgates to overexploitation and destruction of very valuable areas such as Lake Skadar National Park. In an open letter, EuroNatur urgently calls on the prime minister of Montenegro to keep the national park administrations under public control.

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Save the old-growth forest of Boia Mica!

One of the last and most valuable primeval forests of Europe is threatened by logging. The Boia Mica Valley is situated in the midst of the Fagaras Mountains, Southern Carpathians, and is shown to be one of the last strongholds of European wilderness.

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Green Belt instead of Iron Curtain

The 9th Pan-European Green Belt Conference sent a clear message for cross-border cooperation in European nature conservation and for a stronger connection between human beings and nature. More than 125 representatives of NGOs and GOs, scientists and nature conservationists met from 31 October to 3 November in Koli National Park in Finland to intensify cross-border cooperation along the European Green Belt.

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Together for nature and species conservation in Macedonia

At the 5th Congress of Ecologists of Macedonia, Gabriel Schwaderer received the Macedonian Ecological Society’s (MES) conservation award. The Macedonian organisation is specifically honouring the EuroNatur CEO’s long-standing commitment for nature conservation in Macedonia.

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Meeting of Experts for the Lesser Kestrel

What is the situation of the population of Lesser kestrels in the Balkans and in other European countries, and how can these elegant birds of prey be effectively protected? At the beginning of October, 54 experts from 11 countries met to exchange ideas at a Workshop in Bulgarian Plovdiv, which was organized by EuroNatur partner Green Balkans.

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Film tip: Endangered treasure on the Adriatic Sea

Three years ago the Ulcinj Salt Works in Montenegro ceased production and as a result of that, one of the most important resting grounds for migrant birds in Europe may stop to exist. The short film “The Endangered Treasure of Ulcinj” appeals with impressive pictures for the protection of this unique natural and cultural heritage site.

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Building projects for national park

With the parliamentary elections in Montenegro due to take place on 16 October, the EuroNatur foundation is urgently calling on the new government not to allow any developments in the Lake Skadar National Park, one of the most valuable jewels of Europe’s natural heritage. There are already plans for extensive building projects in the national park.

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Save Europe’s last paradise forests!

Today Romanian biologist and campaigner Gabriel Paun received the EuroNatur Award 2016 on Mainau Island (Lake Constance) for his outstanding commitment to save the Romanian primeval forests.

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