More work to be done
In December 2016, the EU Commission decided to improve the implementation of its nature conservation Directives. Following this at the end of January, the main features of a proposed action plan were presented. Last Friday, working together with its partners in the European Habitats Forum (EHF), EuroNatur drew up a list of demands for improvements to the action plan and sent it to the Directorate General for the Environment in Brussels.
More ...Dash to the Finish Line in Our Photo Competition
The heat is on: EuroNatur is calling on all nature photographers to submit their top five pictures of Europe's fascinating natural world by 31st March 2017.
More ...“White Book Sava” presented
On the occasion of this year’s World Wetland Day on February 2, the environmental organisations Riverwatch and EuroNatur today present the “”White Book Sava” – a comprehensive work about one of the ecologically most valuable but least known rivers of Europe.
More ...Hunting ban because of snow and frost
Freeze and heavy snowfall claimed a high number of victims among water birds on the Balkans. On top of that, hunting is putting huge pressure on the birds. Now Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Greece responded to this situation by temporarily suspending hunting.
More ...New Hope for Balkan Rivers
Funding for the two large hydropower projects in Mavrovo National Park, Macedonia, has been axed. After the World Bank withdrew from financing the hydropower plant ‘Lukovo Pole’ already in December 2015, now also the EBRD declared to pull out of the project ‘Boskov Most’.
More ...No to construction projects in the national park!
In the Montenegrin national park Lake Skadar, those in charge of the controversial construction project “Porto Skadar Laker” want to create facts on the ground: Shortly before Christmas the first excavators arrived. But it is not too late to stop the project going forward. Sign the petition of the citizens’ initiative “Save Skadar Lake”!
More ...Scientists call environmental assessment for Vjosa hydropower project a farce
Renowned scientists from Austria and Germany have analysed the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the hydropower project Poçem on the Vjosa river in Albania. According to the experts the EIA is a farce. It does not even meet minimum requirements and is thus not suitable to predict environmental impacts of the projected hydropower plant.
More ...Better protection against electrocution
From this summer, Lesser Kestrels and other large birds are much less likely to fall victim to electrocution in the Sakar Mountains in Bulgaria. More than 200 power line poles have been rendered safe by applying insulating bird protection caps.
More ...Arbitrariness by authorities and delusive laws undermine protection of primeval forests in Romania
Romania harbours the largest old-growth forests in Europe, but they vanish at breath-taking speed.
More ...European conservation standards will not be tampered with
The EU directives on nature conservation will not be relaxed or weakened. On the contrary, in future efforts will be made to ensure they are better implemented. This was confirmed by the EU commission yesterday.
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