
The European Green Belt in Thuringia is a national National Nature Monument

The unique wildlife corridor which runs along the former German-German border is getting comprehensive and lasting protection.

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Activists urge EU Commission to save Romania’s Virgin Forests

EuroNatur and Agent Green: EU’s biggest nature crisis in Romania requires immediate action

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Serbia to join agreement on the protection of migratory birds

EuroNatur and its Serbian partner organisation the Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia have long been working towards it, and now the first step has been taken: The Serbian parliament has approved a law allowing the country to join the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA).

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Launch for transnational programme to protect the Sava River

The SavaParks Network, which has been initiated by EuroNatur, received an EU funding grant for a new Sava conservation project. The launch event took place in Novi Sad, Serbia, in early October. This INTERREG project is about investigating invasive alien species and how to control them in a semi-natural river landscape.

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Petition to save Europe's last virgin forests

The fourth episode of the investigative documentary series "Out of Control" shows dramatic destruction in the Romanian Calimani National Park. To coincide with the broadcast of the episode, a petition for the protection of the Romanian paradise forests has been launched. Please sign it too!

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Preserving the European Green Belt as Green Infrastructure

More than 100 representatives of 24 European countries gather from 15 to 19 October at the World Heritage Site Wartburg for the 10th Pan-European Green Belt Conference. The nature conservationists between Finland and Albania are working on the transformation of the former iron curtain into a green lifeline.

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Three nations meet on a peak

In the context of the European Green Belt Days 2018, more than 50 people went hiking in the mountains. Their destination was the Three Countries Peak of Albania, Montenegro and Kosovo, one of the austere beauties of the Balkan Green Belt.

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Swiss river conservationist receives EuroNatur Award 2018

++ EuroNatur Award 2018 goes to Roberto Epple ++ Europe-wide launch of online campaign #ProtectWater on the 9th of October ++

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25 years of photo competition „Europe`s Natural Treasures“

++ EuroNatur presents highlights of the photo competition „Europe's Natural Treasures“ in a large size calendar ++ photo exhibition in National Park Bavarian Forest is showing the most beautiful photos of this year`s competition ++

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First European Rivers Summit held in Sarajevo

++ 250 people attend Summit to save Europe’s rivers and stop the damming ++ Participants call upon EU and Heads of State to stop funding hydropower ++

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