
Exemplary nature conservation at the European Green Belt

‘Green and vital’ is the motto of the community of Peja in Western Kosovo. And that’s not hot air at all. Peja has recently been decorated as ‘Model municipality of the European Green Belt’.

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Scandalous deforestation in Romania revealed

The third episode of the investigative documentary series "Out of Control" reveals that the destruction of forests in the Romanian Cheile Nerei-Beusnita National Park is being deliberately conducted by state-owned forestry company Romsilva.

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Another victory for the “Brave Women of Kruščica”

++ Women block bridge in Bosnia-Herzegovina for over a year to protect their river ++ New attempt by the investor to vacate the bridge has been successfully fended off ++ Documentary on resistance against dams in the Balkans now available on iTunes ++

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Slovenian section of the Mur river becomes a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

Good news for Central Europe's largest river landscape: UNESCO has acknowledged 29,000 hectares of floodplain of the Slovenian Mur river as a biosphere reserve. This is a further important step towards the trans-border nature protection of the "Amazon of Europe".

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Illegal construction works in Valbona-National Park are still going on

Charade of Justice in Albania: Different courts mutually cancel their decisions in the case of the planned power plant Dragobia. The suffering ones are nature and local population.

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Re-introduction of Cinereous Vultures in Bulgaria

Three young cinereous vultures are about to be released in the wild. In the eastern part of the Balkan range, our partners of Green Balkans and Fund for Wild Flora and Fauna are preparing the big birds for this upcoming step in their lives. The three vultures are supposed to prepare the way for the endangered species to be able to breed in Bulgaria again in the near future. EuroNatur is a partner of this international project.

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Nature photo safari

Sunbathing seals, ruffs in combative mood and a delicate coming-together of common blue butterflies: 892 nature enthusiasts set out on a photographic walk on the wild side for this year's "European Nature Treasures" photo competition, putting Europe's natural wonders artistically, amusingly and dramatically in the spotlight.

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Award for a River Conservationist with Passion

++ 2018 EuroNatur Award goes to Roberto Epple ++ Founding President of the European Rivers Network has devoted himself for decades to the wild rivers of Europe ++ On Sunday 8th July, the European River Swimming Day – the Big Jump – will be celebrated ++

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Blue Heart in the European Parliament

On Wednesday 27th June, there was a screening of the documentary film “Blue Heart” in the European Parliament in Brussels. In the subsequent debate between politicians and river conservationists, there was an expression of a common will to protect Europe’s last great wild rivers in the Balkans.

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Four years of successful white stork conservation

The project to preserve wet meadows and pastures has delivered great success for the white storks of Europe over the past four years. This project, initiated by EuroNatur, other nature conservation organisations, and the Stork Villages, provides an excellent basis for further approaches to protect the emblematic birds.

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