Planned revision of Albania’s protected areas
The Albanian government is currently preparing a reappraisal of the country’s network of protected areas. In an open letter to the government in Tirana, the Mediterranean Alliance for Wetlands, a confederation of 25 nature conservation organisations, has expressed deep concern at the plans and called for a rethink.
More ...Europe’s rivers are damned by dams
++ New study reveals extent of hydropower frenzy all over Europe ++ Plans for more than 8,700 new hydropower plants ++ Devastating impacts on biodiversity and society particularly in the Balkans ++
More ...Holiday complex on the Karavasta Lagoon blocked
Plans for a large holiday complex on the Albanian Karavasta Lagoon have been scrapped after the government in Tirana threw out the project. As a result, the internationally important wetland area will be preserved.
More ...New loggings and fires threaten the Domogled National Park
Tree felling is intruding further and further into the forest wilderness of the Domogled National Park at Valea Cernei in the southern Carpathian Mountains. Serious forest fires have destroyed valuable areas in one of the most important natural landscapes of the EU.
More ...The European Green Belt: Nature conservation connects neighbours
++ The fall of the Berlin Wall marks the birth of the European Green Belt ++ Nature conservation along the former Iron Curtain as a Central European peace project ++
More ...Murders in Romania's virgin forests shock public opinion
EuroNatur and Agent Green: Romania must intensify fight against mafia and corruption in forestry sector
More ...ECJ Judgement: No Relaxation of Protection for Wolves
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has placed very tight constraints on the granting of permits allowing wolves to be shot. In their ruling on 10 October, the judges concluded that stringent conditions must first be met before any wolves are killed.
More ...“Brave women of Kruščica” receive EuroNatur Award 2019
++ EuroNatur Award goes to dedicated river conservationists from Bosnia-Herzegovina ++ Dam boom threatens the last wild rivers of our continent ++
More ...Another victory for free-flowing rivers inside Mavrovo National Park
++ Construction permits for two hydropower plants annulled after supervision by construction inspectorate ++
More ...New figures: More wolf packs in Western Poland
++ Results of wolf monitoring show at least 95 settled packs ++ Sudetes are also wolf territory again ++
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