
The Albanian village of Kutë goes solar

After a fund-raising campaign, solar panels are being fitted on the roofs of public buildings in the village of Kutë on the Vjosa river. They have been installed as an explicit alternative to hydro power in the supply of electricity.

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Spotlight on nature’s diversity

Start of “Europe’s Natural Treasures 2022” international photography competition

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Bern Convention targets crimes against nature

Dams, power plants, airports: numerous complaints from nature conservation organizations against destructive projects in the Balkans

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New Position Paper: Energy generation without destroying nature is the path to climate neutrality 2040

Reduce, prioritise, restore: How to consume and generate energy to tackle the climate and nature crises.

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Resistance Against Construction of Airport in Albania

Despite constant pressure from national and international NGOs, the Albanian government is sticking to the construction of a major airport near Vlora – in the middle of the Narta lagoon, one of the most important resting areas for birds who take shelter when migrating. NGOs as well as Albanian environmental experts strongly critisise the environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the construction project.

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Award for Slovenian river conservationist

The biologist Andreja Slameršek was awarded the Wolfgang Staab Nature Conservation Prize on 11th November, a recognition of her tireless campaigning against hydroelectric projects on the Mur and Sava rivers. The supreme administrative court in Slovenia has meanwhile ruled in favour of the river conservationists in the Mokrice case.

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Albanian municipality on the Balkan Green Belt honoured with award

The small town of Kukës in northeastern Albania has been recognised as a Model Municipality of the European Green Belt. EuroNatur Executive Director Gabriel Schwaderer presented the award.

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EU Pilot Project Strengthens Nature Conservation at the European Green Belt

On November 9, 1989 the Berlin Wall came down – the beginning of the end of the Iron Curtain. 32 years later, the EU-funded project „BEST Belt“ aims to make it easier for local nature conservation organisations getting access to EU funds.

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Still a long way to go for Western Balkan states

EU Commission presents country reports on accession candidates

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Demand: EIB has to improve environmental and social standards

The European Investment Bank has financed a series of damaging hydropower projects since 2010 which underline the need to tighten its environmental and social standards, according to a new report published today by CEE Bankwatch Network and EuroNatur.

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