‘Housing programme’ for the European Roller

In 2013 seven pairs of European Rollers bred in the Solana Ulcinj, Montenegro. Next year, the number of breeding pairs might rise significantly, as a donation campaign initiated by EuroNatur permitted to further improve the breeding conditions for this endangered bird species.

European roller on a twig

Thanks to the nesting boxes, things are getting better for the European Roller in the saline.

© Dusan Petrovic

During spring, staff of EuroNatur’s partner organisation CZIP replaced two old, defective nesting boxes and installed an additional three boxes at suitable sites in the saline’s central parts. The nesting boxes were funded via the EuroNatur donation campaign “Nesting Sites for Europe’s Blue Birds”. This is necessary, because these beautiful birds find plenty of insects, but no natural breeding cavities in the open, treeless saline area. Beginning in 2006, EuroNatur is supporting CZIP in putting up nesting boxes for the blue birds. The population increases during these years show that this is a successful way to go for the European Roller.

The new boxes were fixed to unused former electric power poles in the middle of the evaporation basins. “By means of the new nesting boxes we want to strengthen the Solana Ulcinj as the main breeding area of the European Roller in Montenegro. The positive population trend of the past years shall be further stimulated and secured for the future”, says EuroNatur project coordinator Romy Durst.


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