EuroNatur-partner revives transhumance in Bulgaria

At the end of June after 14 days of walking the FWFF's sheep herd of over 600 sheep has arrived in Central Balkan National Park. The distance of about 200 km has created a lot of challenges to the shepherds.

Flock of sheep in the mountains
© Fund for Wild Flora and Fauna (FWFF)

One of it was a bear presence around the herd during one of the nights in the mountains. Fortunately the attack was prevented thanks to the 4 Karakachan Dogs that guard the herd. About 120 sheep of this herd have spent their winter in Strandja Mountain – so they passed about 350 km distance between winter and summer pasture grounds. The transhumance is of high importance for the maintaining of grassland habitats and vulture conservation.

Fund for Wild Flora and Fauna (FWFF)


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