EuroNatur award 2024: signal for a species-appropriate and nature-compatible agriculture

++ Agronomist Dr. Anita Idel has received the EuroNatur award 2024 ++ Great commitment to species-appropriate and climate-conscious agriculture ++ Europe must finally shift its agriculture to sustainability and animal welfare ++

EuroNatur laureate Dr. Anita Idel on the island of Mainau

"This appreciation is incredibly important for keeping up this work”: Dr. Anita Idel, EuroNatur-laureate 2024

© Gerald Jarausch
EuroNaur Award Ceremony 2024

Dr. Anita Idel receives the EuroNatur Award for her strong personal commitment to animal welfare and nature-friendly agriculture, among other things. The award was presented to her by EuroNatur President Prof. Dr. Thomas Potthast (left in the picture), the laudatory speech was given by Executive Committee member Prof. Dr. Hubert Weiger.

© Gerald Jarausch

Radolfzell, Island of Mainau. German veterinarian, agronomist, mediator and author Dr. Anita Idel has been handed over the EuroNatur award this Thursday, 10 October 2024. She has received the award for “her remarkable commitment to protecting our entire shared world as well as her exceptionally high personal dedication to an animal-friendly and nature-compatible agriculture,” according to EuroNatur president Prof. Dr. Thomas Potthast.

“Every award is different, and the EuroNatur award is very special to me because companions have chosen me as its recipient. This means a lot to me, makes me happy and I accept the award with great joy. This appreciation is incredibly important for keeping up this work,” Dr. Anita Idel said at the award ceremony.

In his laudatory speech Prof. Dr. Hubert Weiger, member of the EuroNatur Presiding Committee, outlined the major importance of grassland and grazing animals for biodiversity, soil fertility, and linked with these also climate protection. “Ruminants are not only of crucial significance for the cultural development of humanity, but today more than ever also for the preservation of our most important, utilised large-scale habitats – of pastures.” Dr. Anita Idel had repeatedly pointed out, amongst other things in her highly successful book “Cows Are No Climate Killers,” who is responsible for the vast amount of climate-damaging greenhouse gases. “The energy-intensive agricultural industry is the climate killer, not cows. Especially not when they are fed and kept species-appropriately,” Hubert Weiger summarizes the key thesis of Anita Idel’s book in his laudatory speech.

To highlight the importance of grassland and a concomitant sustainable and animal-friendly form of agriculture is a key concern in Dr. Anita Idel’s more than 40 years of work. The disastrous consequences of a grossly misguided agricultural policy are currently manifesting in the Brazilian Amazon region. Here, precious primeval forest and grassland expanses are cleared and destroyed on a massive scale in order to cultivate fodder crops for the global market – also for cows in Germany. Now a historic drought has set in – with possibly dramatic consequences also for the global climate. This global interconnectedness shows that conservation, animal welfare and agriculture have to be viewed and improved integrally – for which Dr. Anita Idel has been a long-standing advocate.

Background information:

  • EuroNatur award: The EuroNatur award is unendowed. It acknowledges outstanding achievements in conservation. Past recipients include the author Jonathan Franzen, the “courageous women of Kruščica,” and the parish Mals in South Tyrol. The EuroNatur award 2024 has been handed over on Thursday, 10 October 2024 at 5 p.m. on the island of Mainau in Lake Constance.
  •  EuroNatur – advocate for a better conservation policy: The work of EuroNatur has been European since the foundation’s establishment. For the protection of our rivers and forests, wildlife and birds in Europe, we encourage the decision-makers in Brussels to take action via policy measures. This is one of the reasons for our 2021 decision to open a branch in Belgium’s capital. 

Christian Stielow, Mail: christian.stielow(at), Tel.: +49 (0)7732 – 92 72 15

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