Prof. Dr. Hubert Weiger has been involved with EuroNatur for many years as co-opted member of the board. The former Chairman of BUND (Friends of the Earth Germany) has been a member of the EuroNatur board since 2009.
“In founding EuroNatur the former chairman of the Federal BUND organisation, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Thielcke, created a nature conservation organisation which set itself the central task of surmounting in a positive sense the many national borders dividing Europe. I, too, see it as an essential task of national organisations to take part in work at the international level.”
Therefore the experienced nature conservationist and chairman of a national organisation regards it as an important goal to intensify cooperation between EuroNatur and other nature conservation organisations. For it is only if we work together that we can meet and deal with the scientific and political challenges of nature conservation of our times. Topping the list of priorities is the maintenance of biodiversity and climate protection. EuroNatur makes significant contributions to both. I am delighted that as a confirmed member of the board I shall be in a position to work closely with EuroNatur.”