Bird conservation news

Migratory birds in focus

Bird protection along the migration route from Central and Northeast Europe across the Adriatic Sea to Africa (Adriatic Flyway) is the main topic of a conference which EuroNatur and several partners are going to held in April 2009 in Ulicinj (Montenegro).

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Millions of migratory birds are killed

More than 100 million birds are killed legally each year throughout Europe

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Spring hunting season on Malta closed prematurely

Success for bird protection

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Bird flu: Wild birds wrongly under suspicion?

EuroNatur demands clarification of the new breakout

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Waterbirds threatened worldwide - World Wetlands Day on February 2, 2007

EuroNatur calls for a secure flyway for migratory birds over the Adriatic Sea

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How you can help

Future needs nature. EuroNatur cares for it. Please help anyway you can. With your donation you will make an effective contribution to protect birds in Europe.

Migratory Bird Sponsorship

Bird migration is an incomparable natural spectacle. But illegal hunting and the destruction of resting areas endanger the birds. Help make their journey safer.
