Albania still a death trap for migrating birds?

Since March 2014 there has been an absolute ban on bird hunting in Albania. Officially. But in fact masses of migrating birds are still being shot by poachers. In his article “ Killing field for Migrating Birds“ in the online magazine „Yale Environment 360“ Phil Mc Kenna reports on the the situation he saw in Albania.

Man with rifle on a horse cart

Illegal bird hunting is still the order of the day

© EuroNatur

The American journalist travelled to the country with EuroNatur at the beginning of the year to examine the situation for migrating birds on the Eastern Adriatic coast in Albania. Here the illegal hunting of birds has reached devastating proportions since the collapse of the communistic regime at the beginning of the 1990s.
After years of persistent pressure from national and international nature conservation organisations such as EuroNatur the Albanian government finally issued a two-year moratorium on bird hunting in February 2014. But its implementation so far leaves much to be desired.

In the meantime the EU Commission has intervened. In his report Phil McKenna shows what the pressure from Brussels for the protection of migrating birds could  achieve.

Link to the article "Killing field for Migrating Birds"

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