Bear, wolf, lynx news

Bear and wolf captured on trail camera photo

People at PPNEA (Preservation and Protection of Natural Environment in Albania), a NGO and partner of EuroNatur in Albania, are delighted: for the first time and by means of a hidden trail camera, the Albanian conservationists succeeded in capturing pictures of wolves and bears in the Shebenik Mountains on the border of Macedonia.

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Proof of Balkan Lynx in Macedonia

The team of EuroNatur’s partner organisation MES (Macedonian Ecological Society) were happy about a special Christmas present: on 20th December 2010, the conservationists could prove the existence of the Balkan lynx in another region of Macedonia with the help of a “camera trap”.

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Offspring for Spain's Brown Bears

"This is like a Christmas present!" That's how Gabriel Schwaderer, managing director of EuroNatur, comments the most recent news from EuroNatur's project area in the north of Spain. For the first time after years, EuroNatur's partner FAPAS localizes a mother bear with her cub in the Teverga municipality in the Cantabrian Mountains.

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Wolves are set to become fair game in Switzerland

On September 30, the National Council of Switzerland has asked the government to bring about an amendment of the Treaty of Bern, whereby the hunting of wolves in Switzerland is to be decontrolled within the scope of the treaty. With this resolution Switzerland is sending a fatal signal for the protection of species in Europe.

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Clearing the way for Europe's wildlife

In cooperation with international experts for wildlife protection, the nature heritage foundation EuroNatur demonstrates in a current study how the negative impacts on wildlife and their habitat through the fragmentation of landscapes can be avoided. Today, this study will be presented on occasion of an international conference in Hungary.

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Proof of Young Wolves in West Poland

Several wolf packs, living close to the German border in West Poland, gave birth to young pups. Financially supported by the IFAW (Internationaler Tierschutz-Fonds) and EuroNatur, the Polish nature protection organisation AfN (Association for Nature Wolf) proved this by their researches, which they carried through in the past weeks.

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Wolf in Valais got shot

In the morning of 11 August, game wardens of the Swiss canton Valais have killed a male wolf on Scex in the alpine region of Montana-Varneralp. The shooting took place nine days after the responsible authorities of the canton Valais had given permission to shoot at will (EuroNatur reported).

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Shoot at will on a wolf in Valais, Switzerland

On 2 August the canton Valais in southwestern Switzerland has given permission to shoot at will on a wolf in the area. Authorities claim that the animal has brought down various sheep and cows. Nature conservation organizations like EuroNatur or WWF Switzerland criticize the approach as rash and instead demand better protective measures for herds.

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Bear caught nibbling honey

There is no photo yet but there are revealing traces: A brown bear was obviously nibbling honey from a beehive at the El Coronel finca in the Cantabrian Mountains in Northern Spain this week. This is good news for EuroNatur partner Fapas because Roberto Hartasánchez, president of Fapas, and his colleagues put the beehives there on purpose, especially for the hungry predators.

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Lynx Caught in Photo “Radar”

The EuroNatur partner organisation MES (Macedonian Ecological Society) reports a great success: with the help of a so-called photo trap, the lynx experts succeeded for the first time to prove the existence of a Balkan lynx not only in the Mavrovo National Park but now also in the Jablancia-Shebenik mountains along the borders of Macedonia and Albania.

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