Breathtakingly beautiful nature and an eventful past: The Jablanica-Shebenik-mountains are a memorable experience for nature lovers.
© MESHere is one for nature lovers and hikers: a new network of hiking trails in the Jablanica-Shebenik mountains of the Albanian-Macedonian border area invites holidaymakers to discover the stunning nature at the Balkan Green Belt and traces of the recent history. The Albanian part of the network has already been finished last year. Since this summer, the Macedonian part has officially been opened, too.
So far, there have been neither any well-kept hiking trails nor markings in the Jablanica-Shebenik mountains. In collaboration with EuroNatur, the Macedonian and Albanian nature conservation organisations MES (Macedonian Ecological Society) and PPNEA (Preservation and Protection of Natural Environment in Albania) created eight hiking trails, altogether 190 kilometres, in the past three years. Supported by the European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA), the aim of this project is to create the opportunity to experience the last habitat of the rare Balkan lynx and to provide an economic prospect to the local people by nature tourism. Re-designed hiking maps display the clearly marked hiking trails and provide directions in English, Macedonian and Albanian language. When entering the hiking trails, notice boards inform visitors about the highlights of the region.
“At the Balkan Green Belt, nature and history are closely connected”, EuroNatur project manager Annette Spangenberg states. “Behind the barriers of the so-called Iron Curtain precious biotopes with a unique fauna and flora were able to develop with little interference. Today, holidaymakers can walk on the former paths of the border guard and experience nature attractions at first hand. Today, nature connects people where borders separated them in the past. “
More information about EuroNatur projects at the Balkan Green Belt.