
Whistleblower System of EuroNatur Foundation

Through our whistleblower system, we make sure that any person, in particular staff members, project partners and other persons associated with EuroNatur, who raises genuine concerns about misconduct or unlawful behaviour (disadvantage, fraud, money laundering, corruption, discrimination, sexual harassment at the workplace etc.) in connection with EuroNatur, can do so without fear of disclosure of identity or reprisal.

EuroNatur has entrusted Mira Bell with the position as ombudsperson. The ombudsperson reviews the report or complaint in detail and initiates further steps to be taken, or decides who will be assigned to deal with this information. She also ensures that confidentiality is strictly maintained. Yet EuroNatur may be subject to information and disclosure obligations under data protection law.

The complaint can be submitted by email to ombudsperson(at), or by post (also anonymously) by using the complaint form.  If someone wishes to make a complaint anonymously, as much detail as possible and necessary should be included in the complaint form to allow for an appropriate and fair investigation. All complaints submitted by E-mail will only be received by the ombudsperson.

Complaint form

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