The Romanian Supreme Court has forbidden any further exploitation of the ancient forests in the Domogled-Valea Cernei National Park. The judgment follows a court case which was initiated by our partner organisation Agent Green.

Deforestations in Domogold National Park this winter; hopefully soon a picture of the past.
© Alexandru TeleagaThe old forests around Domogled are not only protected as a national park and Natura 2000 area, but a part is also listed as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site. The entire national park serves as a buffer zone for the world heritage area. Nevertheless, many old forests in the protected area have fallen victim to intensive and commercial forestry in recent years.
The court’s decision will now put an end to this wild logging. “The Domogled National Park will be left in peace for the first time in years”, said Gabriel Paun, the CEO of Agent Green und 2016 EuroNatur prize-laureate. “Almost 20,000 hectares of forest in the national park will at long last enjoy strict protection. Any logging in this area will now be a punishable act and an infringement of the court ruling”.
EuroNatur and Agent Green welcome the court’s decision as an important milestone in their campaign to save Romania’s paradise forests. Only recently, as a result of a complaint submitted by EuroNatur, Client Earth and Agent Green, the EU Commission had initiated proceedings against the Romanian state for systematic infringement of the Natura-2000 guidelines, both in terms of environmental information regulations and the timber trade guidelines (EUTR).