Young Bulgarians demonstrate for nature

Rila National Park hangs by a thread. Together with eight international nature conservation and mountaineering organisations EuroNatur demands a halt to illegal construction in Rila Nationalpark from Bulgarian authorities.

Protesters with banner

Young Bulgarian demonstrates for nature. The banner says "Rila is hanging on a thread"

© forthenature

Rila is Bulgaria’s largest national park and one of its most famous protected areas. The letter criticizes the Bulgarian government's decision not to include the buffer zone around Rila National Park into the EU's Natura 2000 network of specially protected areas in order to facilitate developers' plans to create ski facilities in the area. As of yet the resort has not obtained any of the necessary development permits. Three other projects for major ski resorts threaten Rila National Park and its buffer zone. Meanwhile, on January 23, hundreds of citizens from social and environmental groups and outdoor clubs joined a march that called on Bulgarian Parliamentarians to abide by national and European legislation and stop illegal resort developments in Rila National Park.

Protest letter (pdf, 118 kb)

Link to WWF’s press release

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