++ 40 Scientists collaborate to assess biodiversity and advocate for inclusion in the Vjosa Wild River National Park amidst threats of mass tourism ++

The Vjosa and the neighbouring deltas of the Shkumini and Semani rivers in Albania constitute the last large intact deltas in the Mediterranean Basin.
© Joshua D. Lim
Two scientists at work in the Vjosa Delta. In total, around 50 hydrologists, zoologists and researchers from other disciplines have collected data over the past few days - proving just how valuable the Vjosa Delta is.
© Dalip Guri
Drypta distincta. A threatened ground beetle species, which occurs mainly in the tropics and has only recently been detected in Albania. It is a demanding wetland species and is endangered due to habitat loss. It was discovered this week in the Vjosa Delta.
© Wolfgang Paill
Zvernez Beach. Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, among others, is planning to build luxury flats here.
© Anika KonsekPoro/Albanien, Vienna, Radolfzell. From 22 to 28 April 2024, a science delegation from Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, and Italy collected multidisciplinary data in the partially undiscovered and intact Vjosa Delta. From studying fish, mammals, birds, vegetation, insects, and beyond to meticulously monitoring water quality and microplastics, every observation of this expedition aims to unveil the ecological importance of this area and advocate for its inclusion in the Vjosa Wild River National Park (WRNP) in accordance with IUCN standards.
A new study shows that the Vjosa Delta is one of the very few intact deltas in the Mediterranean Basin. Out of 258 assessed deltas and river mouths in the region, a mere 4% remain in good condition. The Vjosa and the neighbouring deltas of the Shkumini and Semani rivers in Albania constitute the last large dynamic deltas, holding unparalleled significance for the entire Mediterranean Sea and Europe.
The Science Week convened as the Vjosa Delta faces multiple threats, foremost the Albanian government's vision for mass tourism. Recently, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama arranged a luxury resort deal with Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s son-in-law, within the Vjosa Delta. According to the government’s masterplan for the area, this is just the tip of the iceberg of the destructive plans for this delicate ecosystem. The Vlore International Airport, also within the delta, is already under construction.
The science delegation speaks out against the government’s destructive plans for mass tourism and advocates for an ecologically compatible eco-tourism alternative. "Our first findings reveal the enormous ecological value of the Delta. It is obvious to all scientists who participated in the Science Week that the Vjosa Delta deserves a strong conservation status and should be included in the Vjosa WRNP. Amidst the allure of luxury tourism, we must remember the unparalleled ecological importance of the Vjosa Delta, a treasure unique in all of Europe. Let us prioritise preservation over development. Albanians – and Europeans – deserve to keep this natural gem”, stated Prof. Fritz Schiemer, Austrian lead scientist from the University of Vienna.
“Our findings in just five days of research are truly remarkable and stand as a testament to the rich biodiversity of the delta. We are drafting a comprehensive report of our data and urge the Albanian government to recognise the ecological significance of this delicate area and include it in the Vjosa Wild River National Park, aligning with IUCN standards," affirmed Prof. Aleko Miho (University of Tirana), Albanian lead scientist of the expedition.
The scientists' unwavering commitment marks another significant milestone in their ongoing dedication to preserving the Vjosa system. The Delta Science Week builds on the successes of comparable expeditions in the Vjosa Basin in 2017 and 2021, which played a pivotal role in highlighting the ecological value of the Vjosa, fending off the hydropower projects and ultimately paving the way for the establishment of the Vjosa Wild River National Park.
Background information:
• The Vjosa is the last big wild river in Europe outside Russia. Along her course of almost 270 kilometers, the river flows entirely unobstructed from the Pindus Mountains to the Adriatic Sea. In March 2023, after ten years of our campaign, the Albanian government proclaimed Europe’s first Wild River National Park. However, the Vjosa Delta is not yet part of the National Park. We fight for every square meter to be included.
• The initiative to protect the Vjosa is part of the “Save the Blue Heart of Europe” campaign, organized by Riverwatch and EuroNatur. In Albania, the local partner is EcoAlbania. In our efforts to protect the Vjosa as a National Park, we partnered with outdoor company Patagonia.
• The “Save the Blue Heart of Europe” campaign is supported amongst others by the Manfred-Hermsen-Stiftung
Further Informationen:
Anika Konsek – EuroNatur, anika.konsek@euronatur.org, 0049/7732927226
Prof Fritz Schiemer – Universität Wien friedrich.schiemer@univie.ac.at 0043/69910188845
Prof Aleko Miho – Universität Tirana – aleko.miho@fshn.edu.al 0035/682707208
Besjana Guri – EcoAlbania b.guri@ecoalbania.org 0035/692954214
Ulrich Eichelmann - Riverwatch ulrich.eichelmann@riverwatch.eu 0043/6766621512