Schwaderer in German President Steinmeier's delegation

Great honour for Gabriel Schwaderer: EuroNatur Executive Director took part in Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier's state visit to Albania and North Macedonia.

Schwaderer and Steinmeier

EuroNatur Executive Director Gabriel Schwaderer and Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier within the framework of the Western Balkans journey.

© Jesco Denzel
Delegation with Steinmeier

In addition to Gabriel Schwaderer, other special guests from the fields of society and culture accompanied the Federal President.

© Jesco Denzel

For four days in December, Frank-Walter Steinmeier visited the Western Balkan countries of Albania and North Macedonia. Gabriel Schwaderer accompanied the President as a representative of the EuroNatur Foundation which, over the past 30 years, has established a reputation as a conservation organisation with expertise in the Balkan region. “We regard this invitation as special recognition for our long-standing commitment,” said Schwaderer. “I was able to discuss important issues from EuroNatur's work in the Western Balkans with members of the delegation. Travelling as a member of the Federal President's entourage was truly a unique experience,” he continued.

During the trip, the delegation also visited a former secret service building in Tirana, known as the 'House of Leaves'. “There, I was able to explain the importance of the European Green Belt to the Federal President. It symbolises how we have been able to put the division of Europe and a particularly painful part of European history behind us. We now need to preserve this memorial landscape for nature and people on a permanent basis,” Schwaderer explained.  Frank-Walter Steinmeier is already familiar with the European Green Belt, particularly the German part. The nature conservation initiative stretches along the line of the former Iron Curtain, from northern Europe to the Balkans.

At the beginning of the new year, Steinmeier visited Brazil, turning his attention to the protection of the rainforests. “With this visit, the Federal President has clearly emphasised the importance of nature and climate protection - a necessary and important development,” said Gabriel Schwaderer.

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