
River regulation threatens EU-membership of Croatia

Beach holiday and a steel blue Adriatic Sea: that's what most people have in mind when thinking of Croatia. Yet very few know that its hinterland hosts the largest floodplain forests in Europe. But these floodplaines are in danger.

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Bear and wolf captured on trail camera photo

People at PPNEA (Preservation and Protection of Natural Environment in Albania), a NGO and partner of EuroNatur in Albania, are delighted: for the first time and by means of a hidden trail camera, the Albanian conservationists succeeded in capturing pictures of wolves and bears in the Shebenik Mountains on the border of Macedonia.

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Proof of Balkan Lynx in Macedonia

The team of EuroNatur’s partner organisation MES (Macedonian Ecological Society) were happy about a special Christmas present: on 20th December 2010, the conservationists could prove the existence of the Balkan lynx in another region of Macedonia with the help of a “camera trap”.

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Imperial Eagle Gabriela traced

On December 4, the Bulgarian NGO Green Balkans succeeded in locating the radio-tagged female Imperial Eagle called Gabriela in the area of the Dervent Heights, close to the Turkish border. Gabriela is the third of the Imperial Eagles radio-tagged by Green Balkans that has survived its first 1-2 critical years.


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Offspring for Spain's Brown Bears

"This is like a Christmas present!" That's how Gabriel Schwaderer, managing director of EuroNatur, comments the most recent news from EuroNatur's project area in the north of Spain. For the first time after years, EuroNatur's partner FAPAS localizes a mother bear with her cub in the Teverga municipality in the Cantabrian Mountains.

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Crane Juula Arrives in Slano Kopovo

The Estonian crane Juula has arrived at the nature reserve Slano Kopovo for a stopover on its long flight to the wintering grounds in North Africa. Researchers of the Estonian university at Tartu have equipped Juula and two more cranes with transmitters to be able to trace their journey to and from their wintering grounds. The researchers’ website shows the current station of the birds.

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Binding Award: under the sign of the Green Belt Europe

In the frame of the International Year of Biodiversity, the Binding Prize 2010 was awarded in Vaduz yesterday evening. The prize is one of outstanding conservation awards in Europe.

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Vultures circle again

The Eurasian Griffon has disappeared from the Balkan Mountains in Bulgaria for 50 years. Since today, the majestic birds circle again above the mountains. 26 Eurasian Griffons were released from their aviaries at the same time on four different locations in the Western, Central and Eastern Balkan mountains.

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Protection of Biological Diversity Still Poor

European countries are not in a good negotiating position at the nature protection conference in Nagoya (COP10), which starts today. According to a report by the European commission he European countries have not done their homework either.

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Wolves are set to become fair game in Switzerland

On September 30, the National Council of Switzerland has asked the government to bring about an amendment of the Treaty of Bern, whereby the hunting of wolves in Switzerland is to be decontrolled within the scope of the treaty. With this resolution Switzerland is sending a fatal signal for the protection of species in Europe.

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