Does World Heritage Status provide protection to Romanian primeval forests?
++ EuroNatur and Agent Green welcome recognition of 24,000 hectares of primeval beech forests in Romania as World Heritage ++ Nonetheless: Destruction of old-growth forests in Romania is most pressing problem for nature conservation in Europe ++
More ...Extension of Primeval Beech Forests World Heritage Site: Great Success for Dedicated Efforts
For several years, ten European countries and a number of nature conservation NGOs, including EuroNatur, had been jointly working towards the inclusion of old-growth beech forests in the list of World Natural Heritage sites. Last Friday, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee at its yearly session decided to add 63 beech forests in ten European countries to the UNESCO World Heritage list.
More ...Forest Alert: Romanian Ministry Attacks Own Primary Forest Protection Laws
Ministry surprisingly neglects the existence of its 2005 published inventory on primary forest areas in the country.
More ...Joy of motherhood for Maya
Great news from Macedonia: a baby Balkan lynx has been born! This is the first time scientists have succeeded in taking pictures of lynx young, since EuroNatur and its partners began their conservation work. The latest offspring to be born gives us grounds for hope that this endangered species could once again be in a position to expand.
More ...Building frenzy in Albanian pelican paradise
The Karavasta Lagoon at Albania’s Adriatic coast is one of the most important wetlands on the Balkans. However, a building company plans to construct a large-scale holiday resort right there. This would be the end of the lagoon as a biodiversity hotspot.
More ...Hydropower project Kalivaç revisited
Albanian government re-opens the concession procedure for the Kalivaç HPP++ NGOs prepare their opposition
More ...A Network for the White Stork
From 16 to 20 May 2017, the 14th conference of European Stork Villages was held in Poros, Greece ++ Storks, too, fall victim to poaching on their migration across the Mediterranean
More ...Hunt for images of the Balkan Green Belt
Nine photo competitions – one goal: the most beautiful photograph of the Balkan Green Belt! Nine of EuroNatur’s partner organisations in the states along the Balkan Green Belt are joining together to organise a string of international photo competitions for nature enthusiasts to capture the beauty of this region in impressive images.
More ...Pelicans eagerly breeding on Lake Skadar
The Dalmatian Pelicans on Lake Skadar are in the midst of their breeding season. Closely packed, the large birds are sitting on their nests – in the highest numbers ever counted.
More ...Dam project stopped for the present
++ Albanian Court stops dam project on the Vjosa ++ Success for nature conservation and affected residents ++
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