
The protection of the Ulcinj Salina is a precondition of Montenegro’s membership of the EU

++ The EU demands that Montenegro protect Ulcinj Salina ++ February 2nd is World Wetlands Day ++

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Bat Count 2019

There are a lot of chilled out bats hanging around at the moment in the Frankfurt Ostquell Brewery: Bat conservationists are taking advantage of the cold season of the year to record the winter numbers of greater mouse-eared bats and their friends.

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Counter shows forest destruction of Romanian virgin forests in real time

++ Romanian EU Presidency 2019: Eyes on Romania - and the virgin forest destruction ++ EuroNatur and Agent Green call on Romania and EU to turn ignorance into action ++

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On a voyage of discovery in Europe's nature

International photo competition “Europe’s Natural Treasures 2019” is starting

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Poisoning threatens Vulture Populations in the Balkans

In the last twenty years at least 465 vultures in the Balkans have fallen victim to poisoning. This is the alarming conclusion of a study which has investigated the cases of vultures poisoned in the Balkans. The reality is that the figure for unreported cases must be significantly higher.

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Hydropower projects on the Vjosa: Bern Convention opens case-file against Albania

++ Hydropower plant projects Poçem and Kalivaç to be suspended immediately. ++ Standing Committee to the Bern Convention recognizes imminent danger to unique ecosystem. ++ Success for nature conservation NGOs in their struggle to save one of Europe’s last free flowing rivers. ++

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Eco-Masterplan shows value of Balkan Rivers

++ 80,000 kilometers of rivers in the Balkans scientifically assessed ++ 76 percent thereof identified as no-go zones for hydropower development ++ Switch in energy policy is necessary and possible ++

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#GivingTuesday: Join in and help to protect our river treasures!

The countdown is on: November 27th is #GivingTuesday. This is the day when the initiative of the same name calls upon people all around the world to take a stand against the pre-Christmas consumer frenzy and to get socially involved.

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Griffon Vulture shot down in Salina Ulcinj

A Croatian griffon vulture found its last resting place in Salina Ulcinj. It is assumed that poachers shot this rare bird of prey – unfortunately not an isolated incident in Montenegro.

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The European Green Belt in Thuringia is a national National Nature Monument

The unique wildlife corridor which runs along the former German-German border is getting comprehensive and lasting protection.

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