
Ionian island paradise under threat

The north-east end of Corfu, close to the Albanian mainland, is the Erimitis Peninsula. It has been spared from mass tourism until now and can only be accessed on foot. However, if the Greek government newly elected in 2019 had its way, this would be over soon.

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Dams on Neretva river: Complaint submitted to Bern Convention

++ NGOs submit a complaint to the Bern Convention against Bosnia and Herzegovina for permitting dam-building on the pristine upper Neretva ++ A related complaint was submitted to the Energy Community Secretariat in August ++

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Slovene Government planning to expand hydroelectric power

A series of hydroelectric power stations are planned to be built along the River Save in Slovenia; the government in Ljubljana has granted several construction permits. Conservationists have been protesting and are hoping for an environmental impact assessment in order to prevent the construction.

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Witnessing illegal logging by Romanian state forests

Fact-finding trip by Thomas Waitz, MEP with Agent Green reveals that illegal logging in Natura 2000 areas continues regardless of EU infringement proceedings.

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2020 EuroNatur Award for tenacious opponents of pesticides

++ This year’s EuroNatur Prize is awarded to the South Tyrol village of Mals ++ Nationally well-known through their campaigning for a ban on pesticides in the fruit-growing region of Vinschgau ++

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Nature conservation essential for EU accession

Hydropower, deforestation, biodiversity: The Commission's report on the EU candidate countries sets out clear requirements for nature conservation.

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European Green Belt: Nature conservation connects neighbours

++ 30 years since German reunification ++ Conservation of the natural world along the former Iron Curtain as a Central European peace project ++

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Pesticide-free zone for sustainable agriculture

++ EuroNatur 2020 award goes to Mals in South Tyrol ++ Opponents of pesticides repeatedly face legal action ++ Award ceremony with a difference this year ++

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BREAKING NEWS: Albanian PM Rama reacts – Kalivaç will not be built

In a reaction to the statement of Albanian President Ilir Meta, Prime Minister Edi Rama announced to the media today that he also is in favor of establishing a Vjosa National Park and that the Kalivaç dam has been rejected by the Minister for Environment.

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Alliance against Kalivaç dam on the Vjosa is growing

++ Vjosa Research Centre in Tepelena inaugurated ++ Scientists refute Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) on Kalivaç hydropower plant ++ Albanian President speaks out in favour of Vjosa National Park ++

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