He dedicated his life to nature conservation. In 2007 Luc Hoffmann received the EuroNatur Award.
© Peter SchmengerOn the 21st of July, 2016, Swiss environmentalist, EuroNatur laureate and founder of Mava foundation Luc Hoffmann passed away at age 93. “Luc Hoffmann was an outstanding conservationist and a dedicated patron. Many achievements in nature conservation in Europe are owed to him. For example, a number of nature areas in the Mediterranean, the Alps, and other European regions were saved from destruction only thanks to his commitment”, says Gabriel Schwaderer, CEO of EuroNatur.
Luc Hoffmann, grandson of company founder Fritz Hoffmann-La Roche, not only contributed significantly to the introduction and implementation of the sustainability strategy of Swiss multinational health-care company Hoffmann-La Roche. With a PhD in biology, he dedicated his life to nature conservation in the Mediterranean and globally. Luc Hoffmann was instrumental in establishing the Regional Nature Park of the Camargue, co-founded WWF in 1961, was vice-president of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and active in several other nature conservation organisations. In 2007 he received the EuroNatur Award in recognition of his outstanding merits for the protection of the European natural heritage.
In 1994 Luc Hoffmann founded the Mava Foundation which he headed until a few years ago. The foundation has been supporting the work of EuroNatur for many years. “EuroNatur is very grateful for Luc Hoffmann’s generous support. We mourn a man who not only ranked social and environmental responsibility very high, but also lived up to it. Our sympathy is particularly with his family and relatives”, says Gabriel Schwaderer.