The nature conservation organisation braces for commitment against species loss
Press release from 30 June 2008
Radolfzell. A spirit of optimism pervades EuroNatur. This internal development is now also shown to the public and the foundation is presented in a new appearance, e.g. via a new web presence or a new logo which concentrates completely on the name of the foundation. “The name says it all at EuroNatur. Like hardly any other organisation, our projects focus upon nature conservation in Europe”, says Prof. Dr. Hartmut Vogtmann, president of EuroNatur.
For more than 20 years, EuroNatur has actively promoted nature conservation in Europe. Since the beginning of 2008, Prof. Vogtmann, former president of the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, has led EuroNatur, and several changes have been introduced. “EuroNatur has already achieved a lot for the conservation of the nature in Europe. With funds of more than EUR 40 million, we have contributed to the establishment of protected areas in more than 15 European countries so far. But still species become extinct. To stop this development, we have set our objectives and tasks more clearly. Thus, we have become more powerful”, says Vogtmann. “An essential part of our work is to connect people and nature. This is the only way that our efforts to protect wild animals and their habitats in Europe can be successful in the long-term”, he continues. Therefore, EuroNatur creates an international network of scientists, environmentalists, farmers, politicians and businessmen. The main emphasis is put on the Balkans, where political changes give a unique opportunity to set the course for nature protection.
Background information about EuroNatur:
EuroNatur was founded in 1987, the European Year of the Environment, by the Friends of the Earth Germany (BUND), the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU), and the German Environmental Aid (DUH) as a non-profit organisation under civil law. A voluntary presiding committee together with Gabriel Schwader, executive director, and Lutz Ribbe, head of the office for nature conservation policies, lead the foundation. EuroNatur has 19 salaried employees. As several work part-time, this equates 15 full-time positions. The headquarters are situated in Radolfzell; the office for nature conservation policies is located in Rheinbach near Bonn.
The organisation EuroNatur-Service-GmbH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of EuroNatur and is situated in Radolfzell, too. It provides dispatch and other services, publishes the magazine euronatur and has a mail-order calendar and book store.
Further information:
Phone: 0049 - 7732 - 92 72 10
Fax: 0049 - 7732 - 92 72 22
E-Mail: katharina.grund@euronatur.org
Contact: Gabriel Schwaderer
Public relations: Katharina Grund