Ray of Hope in Adriatic Crime Scene

Hutovo Blato Nature Park in Bosnia-Herzegovina is actually one of the epicentres of bird hunting on the Balkans. But now there’s reason for hope that the region will see a lasting improvement of the situation for migratory birds.

There is an official declaration of intent to protect the avifauna in Hutovo Blato Nature Park. It was signed by EuroNatur and its partner organisation Naše ptice, as well as by the local hunting organisation, the Nature Park administration, and the local conservation NGO Lijepa naša.

“This is an essential step towards our goal to establish a network to fight poaching in Hutovo Blato. In the long run, we want to ensure that there are independently working patrols and a solid monitoring of bird populations”, says Gabriel Schwaderer, executive director of EuroNatur. Supported by EuroNatur, over the past two years rangers have been going on patrol on a regular basis for the first time. The positive effects are obvious: The numbers of resting migratory birds soared. “It’s absolutely necessary to continue the patrols in order to maintain this positive situation. This can only be done with a strong network of local stakeholders”, says Gabriel Schwaderer. Nature Park Hutovo Blato is one of the most important resting grounds for migratory birds along the Eastern Adriatic.

Read more about EuroNatur’s work against bird hunting on the Balkans.


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Migratory Bird Sponsorship

Bird migration is an incomparable natural spectacle. But illegal hunting and the destruction of resting areas endanger the birds. Help make their journey safer.
