Bird conservation news

Breeding record for Dalmatian pelicans

No sign of spring fatigue: for the Dalmatian pelicans of the Albanian Karavasta Lagoon the breeding season is in full swing. The number of pelicans there is the highest it has been for 40 years.

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Wild bird crime in Serbia is threatening the populations of migratory birds

++ Bird migration is already in full swing ++ Many birds are falling victim to poachers in the Balkans ++ EuroNatur and their Serbian partner organisation are campaigning against the illegal killing of these birds ++

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Shooting of bald ibis in Croatia

The northern bald ibis is one of the world’s rarest birds with only tiny remnant populations in the Middle East and along the Atlantic coast of Morocco. Currently, there is an elaborate plan to reintroduce these birds in the Alps where they bred until the 16th century. The project to protect this endangered species suffered a severe setback in December when three of the bald ibis were shot and killed in Croatia.

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Holiday complex on the Karavasta Lagoon blocked

Plans for a large holiday complex on the Albanian Karavasta Lagoon have been scrapped after the government in Tirana threw out the project. As a result, the internationally important wetland area will be preserved.

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Ulcinj Salina is now a Ramsar site

We were delighted that, after years of delay, Ulcinj Salina in Montenegro was declared a natural park at the end of June. Now the saltpans on the Adriatic are to enjoy international protection through the Ramsar Convention.

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Power lines: Fatal for migratory birds

++ Autumn migration has begun ++ Overhead powerlines cause the death of millions of migratory birds worldwide ++ International campaign to protect migratory birds starts its second phase ++

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Stage victory for nature conservation: Ulcinj Salina becomes Nature Park

++ Saltern in Montenegro finally receives protection ++ EuroNatur Foundation has been fighting 15 years for this important migratory bird area ++

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European Stork Conference in Češinovo-Obleševo

White storks are enjoying a good life, thanks to the rich food sources in the rice fields surrounding the Northern Macedonian commune of Češinovo-Obleševo. The village, which was granted the honour of being declared a stork village in 2013 by EuroNatur, hosted the 16th European Stork Conference from 12-15 July 2019.

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100'000 signatures for bird's paradise at the Adriatic coast

++ 90’000 signatures presented to Prime Minister of Montenegro Duško Marković ++ Lasting protection of Adriatic saltern is prerequisite for the country’s accession to the EU ++

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Thousands of white storks are the victims of illegal hunting

++ The migration season is now in full flow ++ Every year there are 25 million birds killed illegally, including thousands of white storks ++ International Campaign to fight against the killing of birds has been launched. ++

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How you can help

Future needs nature. EuroNatur cares for it. Please help anyway you can. With your donation you will make an effective contribution to protect birds in Europe.

Migratory Bird Sponsorship

Bird migration is an incomparable natural spectacle. But illegal hunting and the destruction of resting areas endanger the birds. Help make their journey safer.
