One, two, many – Workshop on the waterbird census

Participiant with a spyglass counting waterbirds

The participants learnt how to count and estimate waterbirds accoding to international standards by doing practical exercises.

© Rezart Halili
The participants of the IWC workshops

Participants of the IWC workshops

© Rezart Halili

In January 2017 the midwinter International Waterbird Census will take place again. This time there will also be some bird observers to record the resting birds in the resting grounds along the Adriatic Flyway. In order to make this possible EuroNatur and the Croatian NGO Biom organized a three-day practice orientated workshop in Mekovic in the Neretva-Delta in Croatia from November 16th to 18th.  There representatives from nine different EuroNatur partner organisations were trained.

Amongst other things the participants of the workshops found out how to build a network of counters, how to plan and carry out a census and how to analyze the collected data. The bird protectors went on a field excursion and by doing specific exercises they learnt how to define a census unit and how to count or estimate birds in a resting or flying swarm.

Wetlands International has been organizing the IWC since 1967. The principle is simple: important water bird resting areas are enumerated synchronously around mid-January. Currently more than 100 countries worldwide take part in it. The data provide crucial information for the activities in regard to protecting waterbirds and their habitats. Thus changes in dispersion and the size of swarms can be detected more easily and actions against danger to the birds can be planned early enough.

The Mava foundation and EuroNatur donators support the project to protect migratory birds along  the Adriatic Flyway and the three-day practice seminar for the International Waterbird Census (IWC) is part of a range of such workshops.

Read more about the work of EuroNatur to protect migratory birds.




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