“Road trip with Martin” is the name of a short film just released by the film maker Ilhan Dervovi? in memory of the EuroNatur campaigner Dr. Martin Schneider-Jacoby, who died in August 2012. Images of bird-hunting hot spots along the eastern Adriatic coast are accompanied by a commentary by Martin Schneider-Jacoby.

Dr. Martin Schneider-Jacoby, who campaigned right to the end for safe resting areas for migratory birds on the eastern Adriatic coast.
© Kerstin SauerMigratory birds, flying back and forth between their winter and summer habitats every year, even bridging continents, have been one of the key aspects of Martin Schneider-Jacoby’s work at EuroNatur. Together with colleagues on the ground, he succeeded in proving the importance of the Adriatic flyway for migratory birds in Europe for the first time. He took on the herculean task of raising the awareness of this in the public at large and obtaining protection for the most important resting areas along this route. “Without shying away from any of the risks involved, Martin exposed the deplorable state of affairs with regard to bird-hunting in the Balkans and in particular along the eastern coast of the Adriatic,” says Gabriel Schwaderer, head of EuroNatur.
The film shots taken in the course of the EuroNatur campaign “Bird Hunting in the Balkans - Crime scene Adriatic coast” are still highly topical, and this was underlined just a few days ago by Roland Knauer in his article “Sperrfeuer an der Tankstelle” (Under fire at the gas station) in the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ).
Link to the film "Road trip with Martin” on youtube
Link to the FAZ article “Sperrfeuer an der Tankstelle” on 17 October 2012 (only in German)